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Hi. I have problem. For years i was xs4all customer with simple subscription for DSL connection. Few months ago I was, just like everyone, moved to kpn. No problem yet. Four months ago I was informed that I will be moved to fiber, because kpn is dropping Kopper. Then first problem appeared. Fiber connection was damaged. After one visit from kpn and one from kpn netwerk problem was solved by welding extra ~10cm of fiber to remaining piece sticking from the wall. For a while it was completely fine, but then renovation of my building started. Long story short, BAM "specialists" first ripped the weld apart, and then, which blown my mind, they finished window off, to the point we're i don't even see remaining piece of the fiber cable. I'm afraid that at this point, cable needs to be re-runed from the ground level (I'm on the 5th floor). What now?

Now you start the proces to get the cable fixed. First you contact KPN the provider at 0800-0402 and say you don’t have services anymore and the fiber is broken. The customer service is gonna send a technician from KPN to take a look and confirm it is broken. 
The technician is gonna make a new ticket for KPNNetwork, they are the one that initially got the fiber to the home and are responsible for repairing and maintaining the fiber network. KPNNetwork will call you in 4 work hours after the technician visits to make an appointment with you to fix the cable, after that all services should work again.

So it will probably take a week or more, because of that you can also ask the customer service at 0800-0402 for a “noodpakket” or emergency package, this can contain a couple of things like extra data on your cell phone, an midi router or digitenne to watch tv. It depends on the availability and your Internet package what you get.


Good luck! 


Thanks for the info. I will contact them after Monday. As for temporary alternative i already managed that. Accidentally I work a company that provides alternative solutions based on 4g so I'm lucky with that :)

@WojciechL If and when KPN Netwerk contacts you for repairs, make sure you tell them that the damage was done by the contractor who has done the renovations. In this case it is likely that KPN Netwerk will try to claim the damage and you do not want to be the one to receive the invoice for the repairs….

Hi @WojciechL, welcome on our forum. 

How unfortunate.

Now you start the proces to get the cable fixed. First you contact KPN the provider at 0800-0402 and say you don’t have services anymore and the fiber is broken. The customer service is gonna send a technician from KPN to take a look and confirm it is broken. 
The technician is gonna make a new ticket for KPNNetwork, they are the one that initially got the fiber to the home and are responsible for repairing and maintaining the fiber network. KPNNetwork will call you in 4 work hours after the technician visits to make an appointment with you to fix the cable, after that all services should work again.

So it will probably take a week or more, because of that you can also ask the customer service at 0800-0402 for a “noodpakket” or emergency package, this can contain a couple of things like extra data on your cell phone, an midi router or digitenne to watch tv. It depends on the availability and your Internet package what you get.


Good luck! 


This is indeed the way to go! 

@WojciechL If and when KPN Netwerk contacts you for repairs, make sure you tell them that the damage was done by the contractor who has done the renovations. In this case it is likely that KPN Netwerk will try to claim the damage and you do not want to be the one to receive the invoice for the repairs….

This is very important because there is a good chance that you will get an invoice!!