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We supposed to have the fiber net installed in November 2022. We had technicians 4 times at our house but it is still not solved. Last time 2 person came and after a few minutes they said the whole cable below the house needs to be replaced but they are not prepared to do that. They said we will be called again for a new appointment. It was 3 weeks ago, no callback and KPN customer service is not helpful. The online appointment tool has never worked unfortunately. I know they use sub-contractors but I don’t have any contact as they usually hide their number when calling.


Do you have any suggestions?

Hi @Daniel Prbcs, welcome! Did you have a KPN Netwerk or a KPN technician at your house? If KPN Netwerk isn't done yet, we, KPN, cannot do anything right now. Could you please update your forum profile with your adress and customer number? We will look into it!

Hi Marcia, thanks for looking into it, I updated my profile. The network was made by KPN in our area and the cables pulled inside our house by KPN (or KPN subcontractors I don’t really know) but didn’t work when they connected to the router. They said they have to redo the cables. I got the email to make an appointment (for the 5th time) but it doesn’t work. I was trying to arrange the appointment by phone but no success so far.

Hi Marcia, thanks for looking into it, I updated my profile. The network was made by KPN in our area and the cables pulled inside our house by KPN (or KPN subcontractors I don’t really know) but didn’t work when they connected to the router. They said they have to redo the cables. I got the email to make an appointment (for the 5th time) but it doesn’t work. I was trying to arrange the appointment by phone but no success so far.

I see the e-mails indeed. Why can't you schedule an appointment via e-mail? Did you try to change the browser? Maybe use Edge or Chrome? If it doesn't work, I can try it for you. Could you please let me know when you would like the technician to come to your house? I can plan it on working days between 8 en 18 hours. 

Hi Marcia, we tried with all browsers and options but same result. These dates are good: Feb. 7, 9, 10, 15. It would be very helpful if you can arrange that. 

Hi @Daniel Prbcs I've tried, but it's also not working for me 😞. I've created a ticket for you and my colleagues will contact you within three working days.

Update: 4 month in and still no fiber. Customer support says they forwarded the issue to the "right department"... Very disappointing.

I am sorry to here that 😞. There's really nothing more I can do. I see that my colleague updated the ticket when you called today, but that unfortunately won't mean it'll be fixed soon..

Update 2: after 5 month the fiber is connected. We could enjoy the nice new internet for a couple days until KPN shut it off for no reason. Customer service has no idea what is wrong obviously so now we have no internet at all. They said they’ll give us a USB stick with data in the shop. We went to the shop, but they didn’t have any. They are sending a mechanic 2 days from now. We’ll see. Is KPN going to write these days off from our monthly bill?

That's very unfortunate! I see that you have been in touch with our mechanic and that there was an issue with your VPN? That doesn't seem right, but I also see that my colleagues will get in touch and you will have to wait until they call you😓.