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I am writing to issue a complaint for the poor services I have received with KPN for the wifi home subscription I am attempting to get.

It has now been a 3 weeks that we have been trying to get our wifi sorted. On the 29th April I asked KPN to and install the fiber device at home. After multiple appointment and visit, the network team did not find the resolution(not able to figure out where is the cable coming)

The technician in first visit there is no fiber device which I already mentioned in the first appointment. 
In the second appointment, the technician just come for 1 min and took a picture(came after 5 days as of 1st appointment).
After many follow up, the third appointment and the (inadquate)technician after struggle of 30 mins not able to figure out "where is the cable is".

After many desperate phone calls to solve the issue and follow up from my end(KPN never turned up to provide feedback to me), I did not get any proper answer from KPN. It was like passing the ball between KPN and KPN network.

The customer support staff at the store is absolutely useless, only able to offer me KPN phone number to call and get the update.

Not once have we heard an apology or a simple sorry for the huge inconvenience this has been and no accountability has been taken.

This is our last desperate attempt to finally get this issue sorte

Hi @AshishM and welcome to our KPN Community. I'm sorry to hear that it's been such a struggle to get your services activated. 😔

Is the fibre connection in your home not finished yet? If that's the case then it should be solved by KPN Netwerk, they’re in charge of the fiber network and they should be able to finish up your connection if it still needs finishing. 

If the fiber checker says that the fiber connection at your address finished, then I'd suggest you file a complaint with KPN Netwerk. That way they should take charge and make sure you have a working fiber connection. 
I am sorry for the way this has been handled. You certainly should not feel like you’re a ball being passed back and forth when all you want is for your services to work. 

I hope you'll be able to get your connection activated quickly after filing a complaint!



I am still waiting for the fiber connection, kpn network gave me an appointment for this Friday. Let's see if they can finish their work or not. I am paying for the service which I have not used at all. 

Thanks for the update! Hopefully it'll al be solved this Friday. 

If it works, then you can call us on 0800-0402 on business days between 8:00 - 18:00 and on Saturdays between 8:00 - 17:00. 
If you tell my colleague that you'd like a correction on your invoice for the period that you’ve paid for services that weren't working yet, then they should be able to arrange this for you. 🙂
