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It is 12th of July.

I subscribed KPN fiber optic internet on the 20th of April with my address which they checked and registration service found out that I have fiber optic infrastructure but I understood that they don't know or I don't have circuit from apartment box to my apartment and they sent me the modem and inform me that the activation would activate at 23th of May.

I thought that a technician would come to my apartment and would arrange the circuit from apartment to my apartment, but it was not like that no body called me, I suspected that they wouldn't come for technical thing and I called customer service. The customer service told me that there is a technical issue and when they fixed it they would contact me but it's never happened in 4 weeks.

I have started to call customer service to figure out my issue but never figure out. The call center always kind and tried to help me but they have never contact the sub-contractor of KPN that works for fiber optic things. I think I called the customer service 10 times and they tried to contact to sub-contractor, sent them email and they direct me to leave message to make an appointment but it's never happened because we never contact hem and I am waiting for an email for appointment for fixing my issue. 

I have contract with ziggo and I select the option cor cancellation contract with other operators by KPN, they sent my cancellation, this is ok. But I have 8 days to return ziggo’s equipment and I will loose my internet connetion or they will charge me fine and I know that KPN will not compansate it. 

I was really happy to switch my internet to KPN but now I really frustrated and now regret to select KPN. I don't understand how a company can't contact to a sub-contractor, according to me it is not acceptable. 



Hi @Ekrem CELIK . I'm sorry to hear about your troubles.

Is there a physical connection in your home yet? 

Hi @Erwin_ , No I don't have.

I called kpn call center again, they could contact sub-co. Sub-co told  the call center that they will call me. But I am not sure they will 😞.. 

I just need a certain time when they will fix my issue, it is still open according to me.




Can you fill out your profile and give me a sign here?


My profile is updated.




Sadly there's nothing I can do for you.  Your physical connection needs to be installed and that's in the hands of

Sometimes there's delay on their side. In that case its wise to just wait.  


I cancelled my contract, thanks for all..
