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Fiber optic box was installed in my meter box more than a month ago, it has blinking “connection” light.


Nothing was done after that from KPN side, but the status of my order is still:

“Glasvezelpunt in je woning

We nemen contact met je op

De KPN Netwerk monteur brengt de glasvezelkabel je huis in en plaatst het glasvezelaansluitpunt op de afgesproken plek. De precieze datum en tijd van deze afspraak staan in de brief die je van KPN Netwerk krijgt.”

and I didn’t get any news and any updates when the installation will be finished. also says “Woning aansluiten maart-april 2023”, but it’s a middle of May already.

Does KPN have a proper actual installation date? I’m quite tired to wait for it since last year.



@maxim.chechenev Welcome to our forum. 

I saw that you already had your information in the forum profile. 

I have send a message to my colleagues to check the order. They normally react withing 3 working days. 

If I have information earlier I will let you know here! 

I’ve received this email today from KPN netwerk:

“Our work is done. Your home now has a fiber-optic connection. Have you already received a message from your provider about using it? Then you don't have to do anything and your provider will transfer your subscription to fiber-optic. Heard nothing yet? Then contact your provider yourself to quickly enjoy your fiber-optic connection. “

What should be my next step?
I’ve tried to connect kpn experia box v12, it blinking green light, but there is no Internet when I connect Wifi network.

@maxim.chechenev I see that the order should be finished now. 

Is your connection working already?