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Since I transfer to KPN, the internet speed is slow despite I subscripted 1Gbps compared with previous Ziggo for 200mbit.

Often, my laptop is freezing while having Teams call for my work even I am alone at home and TV programs not able to run smoothly while watching dramas. 


Today, the speed test via laptop and mobile confirmed , the speed only 95Mbit/s !



Hi Fong, that sounds like a problem with the coverage of your Wifi. Unfortunately Wifi is a type of radio signal and it can be interfered by obstacles in your direct surroundings. Are you able to perform the same test through a wired LAN connection? 

You also can run the Wifi Manager to see if you can optimize the signal but keep in mind this page is in du

If you continue experiencing problems than I would advise you to contact customer support on 0800-0402 for further assistance. 

Speeds around 94Mbps almost always indicatie a problem in the networkcables where a networkcable only has a 100Mbps connection due to the fact that one of the data wires does not make a connection.

This could be an issue with the LAN connector/plug or a cable fracture.

Is the issue solved when you use another networkcable between the NTU/ONT and the Experia/KPN Box?

Speeds around 94Mbps almost always indicatie a problem in the networkcables where a networkcable only has a 100Mbps connection due to the fact that one of the data wires does not make a connection.

This could be an issue with the LAN connector/plug or a cable fracture.

Is the issue solved when you use another networkcable between the NTU/ONT and the Experia/KPN Box?

Or maybe you have an old type of switch in your network connected  between your laptop and kpn box? This can also be the issue maybe let us know your situation at your adres. 
