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I ordered fiber internet from KPN, and used the switching service to switch from ziggo.

The fiber mechanic was supposed to come on the 29th December to prepare the fiber connection in my home.

Nobody came, nobody called to cancel or reschedule.

Now I get an email from KPN that they are sending equipment and the subscription starts from the 21st of January. When the fiber is not installed still!

What is happening here? This is not a good start, it’s totally confusing. I don’t want to be without internet for a single day. I am thinking of just cancelling with KPN and continuing with my Ziggo subscription.

I want a clear answer in the next day or so, before I do that.

Hi @Marko K, welcome. 

How unfortunate to hear, from what I'm hearing is that someone should've contacted you. The people who will install the fiber optics kabel in your home are from a different company then us. KPN NetwerkNL as opposed to just KPN as an internet provider. I'm going to see if I can get some more information as to why it hasn't been installed yet and as to why you haven't been contacted. 

To give you a bit peace of mind: We will postpone the date of the installation as long as there isn't a fibere optics cable installed and Ziggo will keep working as long as you aren't connected to the KPN network. 

Thanks @Hanna_ . That does give me piece of mind indeed.


Hi @Marko K, 

Are the zipcode and housenumber in your profile correct? Because I cannot find a contract with your name within the system, I can however find an already active subscription with a highspeed internet connection on a completly different name. 

Hi @Hanna_ ,

Yes, I just checked them again. I have had Ziggo since I moved in here, I think 3 years ago. Burchtplein 76

Btw, I also received the box with the modem and stuff by post today.

Hi @Marko K, thanks for checking, 

It could've been my mistake, but I can find your contract now. I'll check in with KPNNetwerkNL for you. I'll probably get back to you next week. 

Hi @Marko K, 

We've been in contact with KPNNetwerk NL for you. They say they've been trying to reach you to resceduale but to no avail. I would suggest you give them a call yourself via the following phonenumber: 088-06-37-44, They're available from Monday through Friday from 8:30-17:00. Let us know how it goes! 

Geachte heer Kordalovski, 

Onze excuses voor de late reactie op uw bericht.

Wij hebben uw bericht ontvangen en hebben deze meteen doorgestuurd naar onze aannemer. Zij nemen contact met u op om een afspraak in te plannen. 

They hadn't called but fine. I got the above mail from them yesterday. So I am waiting on a call today. If they don't call I'll try to call them on the number you provided.

@Marko K, 

I'm glad to see they reached out. good luck!

Nobody has still called. 


How do I cancel this switch?

This has been the most unprofessional service in the Netherlands yet.

The number you provided is not reachable.

0880 06 37 44

The number was missing a zero.

I managed to call finally.

Supposedly they had tried to contact me (a lie) and they had cancelled the product. Now KPN are supposed to order the product again and contact me after the weekend.

I am still very confused, why kpn would contact me for anything before the fiber is set up.

I guess I can wait till after the weekend to see what's going on.

Hi @Marko K, 

I'm sorry to hear it has been hard to get in contact with KPNNetwerkNL. KPNNetwerk NL is a complete different company from KPN, even though we work closely together. I'll check the accurate status of your order on monday. 

I understand. That's where the problem is. Their lack of communication.

I am still not 100% sure what had happened and why. Why the provider would need to call me and not KPN netwerk.

Thanks for checking for me. I'll be waiting on any calls that come too.

Hi @Marko K, 

Have you been contacten yet? 

Hi @Hanna_ ,

Yes, they called and said they’ll come on the 21st. Hope they do come this time.

Thanks for the help.

I’m glad to hear they've made the appointment. If anything goes wrong, you know where to find us!Â