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I've ordered a internet from KPN at April 5th, expecting to have my connection asap. First problem was the delivery time, they said that would be delivered at April 17th, which is 12 days after the order, which I already think it's a long time to install a internet nowadays.

Anyway, I have waited for that, and suddenly the app just updated and started to show that my connection would be activated at April 26th, simply 21 days after ordering. That's terrible.

Now, less than 2 days before reaching the day of activating it, my equipment didn't arrive, the PostNL doesn't update the tracking code, the phone support has no English support, it's a fight to talk to a human with a bunch of Dutch menu.

I also had a problem with KPN mobile that shipped me an SIM card while I ordered an e-SIM because my phone doesn't support SIM cards, and it was asking me to confirm by SMS to change it to e-SIM. What a dumb implementation. I had to ask for a college at work to insert the SIM card so I could convert the number to e-SIM.

Again, one more thing to get frustrated with KPN. Fortunately I didn't subscribed for a year contract for my mobile. I'm really thinking in ask to cancel all the services and start using Odido, that at least had a English menu on the phone and was able to delivery me an e-SIM directly, without all those bureaucracies (to not say other words).

For now, I still have no internet in my house, making it hard to work remotely, having to spend money every day to go do the office simply because KPN take a month to install a simple internet connection.

Hope this get registered and helps expats to decide better which companies they are planning to order.

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