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Apologies my Dutch is not good. So I will type in English. Since yesterday morning, I have no service at all, no Internet, no TV, nothing. My router light is red (Experia Box 10A) but my Fiber Box is green & seems to be working. And yes I restarted the router 3 times, nothing changes.

I called customer support & they told me that it seems that there is something wrong with my connection but they can’t do much other than trying to schedule a technician appointment. Which is the earliest on… Tuesday! The irony is that I don’t have internet but I needed internet to schedule the appointment…

Thankfully I don’t have KPN mobile too (don’t put all your eggs in one basket)

This means that we will have no service for 3 days, including a working day, which means that me & my wife will not be able to work on Monday. How is this acceptable service?

Sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues. My recommendation would be to either work from the office or use your mobile data bundle in to bridge the time until the engineer arrives. Alternatively you might wish to consider to invest in a business internet line with a service level agreement (Where KPN is required to solve the issue in a pre-agreed set timeframe). 

If you had a mobile phone with KPN they would have granted an additional week bundle (Last time I had it, it was 50GB) to cover the time. But the mobile phone is for those cases most definitely a good temporary alternative. 

That said, I hope that the engineer will solve the issue on Tuesday.

Mobile plan will solve the work issue. But what about the kids at home? How can we keep them entertained when school is closed due to COVID cases? or during the weekend when it rains all day? Etc…


About SLAs, what’s the SLA for normal customers? I understand the business customers usually have a priority because of the volume and money they bring to the business. But we are also paying customers so we should also have some decent SLA especially that we are in 2022 and everything requires an Internet connection now.

For the children I would recommend using the phone as a hotspot as a temporary work-around, I realise that this is imperfect but it’s unfortunately is what it is. 

For private lines the SLA is according to the terms of conditions “As soon as possible”. It’s basically a best effort clause. 

Here is the exact legal text from the 2020 general conditions:

Merkt u dat uw dienst niet goed werkt? Meld dat dan zo snel mogelijk aan ons. Zodra storingen bij ons bekend zijn, onderzoeken we ze en proberen we ze zo snel mogelijk te verhelpen. 


Source: Article 5.4 of the general conditions (2020) 
P200004 KPN_ALGEMENE VOORWAARDEN_A4_AD-20042-11-20-KRE_ONLINE_V5_LR - December 2020.pdf

This is of course an unfortunate situation. I do however have confidence that KPN will do in their power whatever they can to restore the service as soon as possible. 

Anyhow, I hope this helps! :-) 

Hi @SpeedyGonzales . Welcome to the forum.

Do you have a mobile number with KPN? If so I can add a free large bundle. 

@Erwin_ no, I don’t have a KPN mobile number. And the issue is resolved by now already because the technician appointment was today. Thanks.

Glad to hear that the issue was resolved 😄