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Good day. I encountered a problem that, depending on the routes of the game, changes the speed of the entire game: the actions of my character change drasticly in different ways; it can be super fast or super slow. The same goes for the movement speed of the enemy characters. And also greatly changed the registration of hits, both on the opponents and on me. And even standing still, enemies were not receiving damage at all, while there were no packets lost.

We bought different VPS servers in different European countries, mostly in Frankfurt, to change the routing. With some servers, the game worked very fast than usual, with some finding the perfect result, but for a short period of time. Is there any way to change the stock routes without using VPS servers?


Hello @kompr1 , thanks for your message and welcome to our Community :)

To be honest I don't have a lot of knowledge about this specific subject. First thing I'm wondering; do you use wifi for gaming or do you use a wired connection? I hope there's somebody in this Community that knows a bit more about this matter🙏🏻
