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My Internet is not working since 3 days. It took 2 days till the technician came. The diagnose was that during construction work somebody has cut the cable 200 m away from my house. It would at least take 2 more days (best case) to be repaired. I asked the hotline for a hotspot and became the answer, that this is not possible, because my ticket is not closed. How can the ticket be closed when the problem still persists. Strange answer!

Do you think it is good customer service to leave a client for over a week without internet, without trying to support him?

Call 0800-0402 and ask for a “noodpakket”, an emergency kit. If you are without internet, then that is the least they can do.


I did that...

@raisin what did the employee tell you when you contacted them? Has another signal been sent to re-activate the Direct Online Pakket?

If that didn't work, would you please fill in your profile? That way I can find you in our systems and give the activation signal from my end.