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When I was contracting to the internet, they said my address has internet fiber. In the website says that my “Connection date” is to August 10th, however:

1- I haven’t received the mode yet

2- There is no ISRA with mini plug which means KPN has to first install this, however, no appointment was made, no questions about this, nothing. 


I have received no further information aside from the e-mail that says about my connection date. I need a professional to come and install the ISRA/optic fiber connection and then after receiving the mode, install it.

How can I proceed? How can I get assistance? 

What should I do? I am super lost since there is no further contact/instructions for the next steps. 

I work from home and I really urgently need internet! 


Thank you! 


Hi @jmasc, I understand you're not connected to the glasfiber network yet, what do you see if you check your address in the ‘glasvezelcheck(click!)’?

If it's available but you're not connected yet, you wil need to have an appointment first with ‘KPN Netwerk’, have you contacted them already? 


Hello @Maja_ 

Thank you for your reply. 

Yes, I have checked that already: It says its available. 

Exactly, I need the appointment. I have called twice to the customer service and they say the technician will call me to make an appointment. Interestingly enough they didn’t yet and my “Connection date” is for today. 

Do you know if I can get in contact directly with them (the technician line I mean) - if there’s a number that I can call? Because all the customer service says is that they will call me themselves to make the appointment, and I am worried because:

1- There is no ISRA in my apartment

2- I haven’t received the mode (nor any communication saying they actually sent it to me)

Do you have any advice how to proceed?


Thank you!

You can call KPN Netwerk on weekdays between 8:30 en 17:00, their phone number is 0880 06 37 44

I hope they're able to help you very quickly! 

Hello Maja,


No luck with that. I have called them and they say they are not sure when someone will be here and that there’s a miscommunication between the provider and the technical team.

They even transfer me to the technical team and they said that on the week of the 28th there’s appointments for apartments that are next to mine, but I am excluded from that list and they need to investigate further (??) so basically no idea what is happening.

To summarise, nothing has changed. I still don’t have any appointments to install the ISRA nor have I received my mode.

I work mostly from home and my phone bundle is almost done. 

Could you please support me on this? Is there anyway you can communicate with the technical team to put me in that list since they are already going to the same floor and to my neighbours? 

I really need some support because calling they just transfer from department to department and nothing gets done, nor clarified. 


Thank you,


I'm sorry to hear this @jmasc 🙁

We (as in KPN the internetprovider) have no influence on the realization of your connection, so I can't be of any help regarding the installation of the connection itself.

Do you have a KPN mobile connection? If so, I can give you extra data. If not, there may be another temporary solution, but I need to check that first.

Can you please update your profiel and give me a heads up if you’ve done so?

No, I don’t. I wanted to transfer but I can’t change my mobile provider yet. Yes, please, if you could provide me with a temporary solution until the internet is solved, I would highly appreciate. 


My profile is updated. Let me know if you need any further information.


Thank you

Thanks @jmasc, I've sent a request to a different departement and I hope they will understand the gravity of the situation and provide you with the temporary solution.


They have already sent it thankfully 😊You've probably received a text message about this, with information regarding the delivery, can you confirm that you've received it @jmasc?

Hello Maja, 

Yes, I confirm that I have received the message and email regarding the delivery. 

Thank you so much for this, it will allow me to keep working until the internet is sorted out. 

You're welcome @jmasc! And I hope it doesn't take very long before the glasfiber is connected 😊

Hello @Maja_ 

Update: They were supposed to install the ISRA on Friday, September 1rst, however they canceled on the previous day and I am trying to reschedule another date - still don’t know when they will come. 

After that, KPN has to make another appointment to install the fiber cable, so as things are going, this will take long. 

The portable wifii that I am currently using is almost without data. Could you please put more data on it so I can hang on until they install the internet?


Thank you! 


I'm sorry to hear it will take more time to get you connected 😟

Speeding things up is something I can't do but I did request extra data, this will probably be added tomorrow!


Thank you @Maja_ .

Still waiting for them to reschedule the appointment :( 




Hi @Maja_ , I have an update.

KPN Medwerk just came here this morning to install the cables (they didn’t instal the ISRA yet and also didn’t bring the wire to the living room yet) and the worker told me they still need to install it in the roof of the building and work there so it will take at least 3 more weeks according to him. 

After that, then KPN needs to do the second part of the installation as well, so I take this will take at least 1,5 months more.

I have received an email from KPN saying my subscription starts today, however, considering what I just told you, could you please change to later on so I don’t get charged for it?

Just wanted to keep you posted since I will definitely need more internet, as I work with meetings the transferring files the whole day (That is why I also chose the 1 Gig data from KPN). 

Thank you so much for all your support so far.




@Maja_  They came back and installed the ISRA box, however, the rest remains the same. The worker explained to me that they need to install the cables in the building /roof and street and there’s no one available to do the street digging/pipes. Among other things. Meaning, there’s no internet until they finish this. 

To summarise he said this might be done around the first week of October (The cables) and only after that I can contact KPN to do the rest of the installation with the moden, etc. 




I have received an email from KPN saying my subscription starts today, however, considering what I just told you, could you please change to later on so I don’t get charged for it?

Just wanted to keep you posted since I will definitely need more internet, as I work with meetings the transferring files the whole day (That is why I also chose the 1 Gig data from KPN). 

I see the date has been changed but your subscription has not started yet, so you're not being charged 🙂

When you get low on the data please let me know so I can top it up again!

Hi @Maja_,

I was in a meeting just now and the internet stop working. I checked the AlcatelWI app and it says it has 0KBs available. Its weird because yesterday I checked and it had 150GB, I surely did not use all of it because I was working from the office yesterday. For sure this is a malfunction.


Could you please top it up asap please? I still have a few meetings today.


Thank you!

I've requested the up now @jmasc, I'm sorry it’s too late for your meetings 😓

Hi @Maja_ , thank you (:

I received a message that now the bundle was 100Giga but I looked in the app and I actually have 1.56giga, this surely won’t be enough for the week. 

Could you have a look? 

Thank you! 



I can check how much data you have if you can provide me with the 097 number and/or sim card number that goes with the portable wifi. You can use the ‘opmerkingen’ field at the bottom of your profile to note this!

Hi @Maja_ , the number is: ***


I just received a message saying that I have used 80% of it but when I look at the app says I have 89G (unless is not how much I have but how much was used? I don’t know)

You can see it below:


Thank you! 

@Maja_  it was the contrary - how much I have used because now I have no data anymore. 


If you could please top up. 


Thank you! 

I've requested another top up @jmasc, the data will probably be added tomorrow!

Thank you @Maja_ 

Hi @Maja_ , I have received a message saying I have used 80% of my bundle. Could you please top up?


Thank you!
