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When I was contracting to the internet, they said my address has internet fiber. In the website says that my “Connection date” is to August 10th, however:

1- I haven’t received the mode yet

2- There is no ISRA with mini plug which means KPN has to first install this, however, no appointment was made, no questions about this, nothing. 


I have received no further information aside from the e-mail that says about my connection date. I need a professional to come and install the ISRA/optic fiber connection and then after receiving the mode, install it.

How can I proceed? How can I get assistance? 

What should I do? I am super lost since there is no further contact/instructions for the next steps. 

I work from home and I really urgently need internet! 


Thank you! 


It's requested @jmasc, will be added tomorrow!

Have you heard anything about the installation again? 

Thank you @Maja_  


No, haven’t heard anything from anyone. No communication whatsoever about the status of the installation of the cables in the roof. 

I’m waiting for this to then proceed to finally the last part, which is for KPN to install the modem. 


I'll ask if there's any more information about the status! Not sure if they will contact you or reply to me, so let's just agree to keep each other updated 🙂

Okay, will do!


Thank you!

Hi @Maja_ , as agreed, let me update you:

I just called KPN and status is that they need to install a blackbox in my house. So I am waiting for them to call me to make an appointment, however, there is a problem with the appointment ID (no clue) that they are trying to solve first so then they can call me and schedule the appointment.


I guess this will take a while.



Hi @Maja_  I have just received 2 emails from KPN, one saying to return the equipment since now the internet is working and another one saying the subscription starts today since the internet is working, so they will start charging for it.


Unfortunately, It is not the case. They haven’t installed the black box nor made the appointment for it yet, therefore I still don’t have the internet. 


Could you please check this?


Thank you,


Hi @Maja_  I have just received an email charging me, however, I don’t have internet yet. Could you please check that and tell me how to proceed?


You can see the image attached



What a mess this is @jmasc 😐 I see your order is marked as delivered 🤔 Which is very weird of course, since your connection is not even ready yet 😑

I also see there is a mechanic scheduled for 13-10-2023 between 10:00 and 12:00, where you aware of this appointment or does this come as a surprise?

Yes indeed, it never ends. 

I called them and they scheduled the appointment in which happened today. He installed the black box and connected the moden, however, I still don’t have internet. 

The technician after installing said it wouldn’t have internet because the “alarm” in the black box is red. He said that the company who installed the fiber in the street did a mess in this whole street. 

Then he said he would open a ticket so they would come to fix it today. They were supposed to call me and come. They didn’t call me. The technician also told me he would call me himself to check if they called me, but he also didn’t. 

I have no clue what to do. Would you be able to open a ticket and ask them to come fix this?

I have already been charged the internet amount for the month, however, I still don’t have it. 


Thank you  


Well, we’re one step further now since you physically have a connection point 👌🏼

I see the mechanic has updated a ticket, and you are now linked to a generic issue witch has made more ‘victims’ with a red alarm light. They are trying to fix this, but I'm not sure how long this will take. It's not very nice that they did not call you to inform you about this, I'm sorry 🙁

About the invoice: You have my word that I'll personally compensate the days that are charged while you're not able to use the connection!

Okay, thank you @Maja_ 


Could you also please top up my internet? I have received the usage message already  

Thank you!


Requested ✔️😊

Hi @Maja_  can you please top the bundle up? Almost without it! 


Also, can you see if there’s any update about my case? As to any date when they will fix the problem?

Thank you,


Top up is requested!

I see something about ‘resuming in week 45’ in the most recent update in the ticket from October 17, that's the week that starts november 6th. So I don’t think anything will happen before november 6th, but maybe I'm wrong so I'll keep checking every few days!

Thanks for the update.

I haven’t received a message about the bundle though. The last one was that I have used 80% and every time you top up I receive a new message saying that is available, but I haven’t received it yet. 


Could you please check?


Thank you. 

Hmm, I'll do another request!

Thank you!

Hi @Maja_ , I am without internet. Could you please support?


There’s no way to put more internet so I don’t have to come here as frequently? Or any kind of solution? 


Thank you. 

@Maja_ I hope you see this soon. I am working from home the whole week and I have several meetings today onwards. I really need this internet asap. 



It looks like the system only added 500 call minutes/text messages, and no data 😐 I'm not sure how that is possible, since you've been topped up with a bundle that has 500 Minutes/sms and 100Gb data. I left a remark in the ticket explaining this, asking if someone will top up the data and if it's possible to receive an update about the status. 

Will you let me know how everything went with the mechanic that's scheduled for this morning? Let's hope this is the last appointment that's needed to get you connected!

Hi @Maja_ , 

Yes good news! I now have internet!!! 


I would like to thank you for all your support during these months and your prompt replies. Thank you! 


As per my last request (hopefully) could you please make arrangements in regards to the days that I have paid for the internet but didn’t have any? 


The rest is all good and solved. 


Thank you!

That's some really good news @jmasc 😃🥳

You'll receive a compensation on the invoice of November!

I'm very glad I have been able to assist you during al this misery 😬😅 Let's hope everything will be okay from now on! 
