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Hi, I have a subscription for 24 months and it will end 18 of September 2024. I don’t want to renew the subscription, in that case I have to call the service point and inform them so they can cancel it or I don’t have to do anything and after that date it will be canceled itself?

Hello @mariasim 


If you do nothing the subscription will continue.

You have an 1 month notification period so you are already to late to end it per 18 sep, if you call now and cancel the subscription, the end date will be 28 sep 2024.

Make sure you get a confirmation per mail, if you don't receive it within 1 hour call again (and again) until you get a confirmation per mail. If you don't have a confirmation they later can deny that you cancelled it.

You can reach the KPN customer service  on 0800-0402 (mo to fr 08:00 - 18:00, sa 08:00 - 17:00), just say to the computer that you want to cancel or that you want to speak to an employee.
