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Właśnie u mnie podobnie miga na zielono od wifi

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Właśnie u mnie podobnie miga na zielono od wifi

Ik heb hetzelfde knipperende groen van wifi.

@Kamila Cyranska Please speak Dutch or English so that we can help you.

I do not work internet blinks constantly green WiFi LED I do not know how to do it to be ok reset everything and still nothing

Hi @Kamila Cyranska 


Please take out the electricity cable for 35 seconds. Plug everything in and wait for a couple of minutes. You should have green lights again and blinking.  If this still doesn’t work contact KPN at 0800-0402 because they can watch it with you. From your posting it seems that you have a completely new contract. Good luck.

@Kamila Cyranska  for more info and tips and if you have a foreign telephone nr try +31612001200 instead of the nr above.

the internet does not work all the time blinking green WiFi LED do not know how to do it to be ok reset everything and still nothing

@Kamila Cyranska

Niestety nie znam języka i tu tkwi problem

Hello @Kamila Cyranska 

Jeśli mówisz po angielsku, możesz zadzwonić pod ten numer KPN: +31612001200 .  Pomogą ci dalej.