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I hired a 1 Gbps connection and it never EVER remotely reached this speed.

Usually I got 200 to 300 Mbps. It's pretty bad, even considering that this is by wifi.

Today I did a reset on the router and now I have 50 Mbps. Outrageous.

The worst part is that I can't even send a proper email. Just call or depend on this forum.

What do I need to do to have what I'm paying for? A lawyer?

300 is a decent wifi speed in most situations.

As mentioned about 1000 times: 1Gbps is delivered to your router and can be achieved with a  computer connected with a cable to your router.

What makes people think that realistic household wifi speed = 1gbps ? 

Thank you for your contribution to this topic EAZ1964! It was really helpful!

I'm pretty aware I'm not getting 1 Gbps on wifi. A sudden drop to 50 Mbps is just nonsense.

I also tested on cable and it reached 400 Mbps tops. KPN has clearly some issue on their side.

For the low incoming speed, unplug the router and modem from mains, wait a few minutes and reconnect. If still low, call the helpdesk so they can help. 

Hi @bassuino .  Like @EAZ1964   mentioned it is ESSENTIAL to measure via cable.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:


-Measure with the ookla app (can ben downloaded in Windows store)

-Make sure VPN is turned off

-Use a minimum of 2 pc's/laptops and make sure the ethernetcard can handle these kinds of speed

-Dont use an Ethernet to USB adapter

​​​​​​​-Powercycle both Router and Fibrebox.


If you still come up short, please let me know in this topic so we can do further analasye.