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I have the following error: the broadband physical link is down. I reconnected the cables and rebooted and reset the modem. It is an experia box v10 modem 

The orange light is on for services. The computer still connects to the modem, ie the network does appear on my computer.


I’m convinced that if there was an award for the worst possible customer service ever in the world, KPN would win it hands down. 

In June before moving to my new apartment had decided to move on from KPN after I realised that they were jacking up my subscription cost and for a new subscription was atleast 15 euros a month cheaper. So it took me 10 days to get to them so that I could cancel the subscription. 10 days before my move they kept calling and pestering me with better offers and convinced me to move back purely because I am familiar with the performance. 

As soon as I decided to stay back the nightmare began, they had changed the subscription cost but couldn’t accept my move for another 5 days. I had to literally call them back everyday to ask if they could accept it because apparently nobody knows when it would be picked up. 

Finally it was accepted after spending 8 hours, 53 mins on hold/on call with them over those 5 days. However, I had to be without internet for 12 days after the move because they couldn’t process it earlier. Having moved with KPN before I knew that it’s difficult to get everything right the 1st time so I started requesting for a technician which they said was not possible because there was still time for the actual subscription to start. 

So, after the move I started requesting for a technician again and they kept saying that it has been added and will be available etc. But didn’t get any confirmation over email.

During the move I injured my back and desparately needed a technician to come and help because as I had anticipated the device wasn’t working and there was no wifi in. my apartment. And here’re some shocker customer support answers I got while I was tossed around like a football to over more than 4 agents.

One of them put me on hold for 45 mins and said “Can you not do it by yourself it’s really just plugging the device in” after explaining to her already that I had a back injury and was on bedrest.

Another agent just transferred me to a dept where no-one picked up

And the 3rd agent kept asking if my internet was working and if the technician visited and if not then why?


I mean seriously KPN, do something about your customer support. 

But in the end, was it all fixed? And how is your back?

But in the end, was it all fixed? And how is your back?

Not yet. The back injury and the conversation after that is a “today story”. They finally scheduled a technician visit but let’s see.


Hi @Tulika Agrawal, welcome to our forum!
Thank you for your feedback.
This is not a great start! Did the technician sort everything out yet?