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The worst company since the existence of the internet. 


I am DONE with your customer service with your mechanics and your general disinterest in our problems



We have been using KPN since last year when we were still living in Leiden, we never encountered any problems and therefore when we moved houses to Den Hague we thought to keep our contract with you.

We called weeks before we moved in to notify you of the move, and when we called we were told that there was a suitable connection and glasvezel.


When we arrived at our new house on the 1st of March, we were quickly shown that the person over the phone had no idea what he was talking about. Upon inspecting the house the existing internet cable in the apartment did not fit on my new modem.This was the 1st of multiple  incredible disappointments that have accumulated in the past 2 months.


We had to call the 2nd time to notify you of this issue and 2 weeks later a technician came completely unprepared, he didn’t have the right cable and he left 20min after because he could not reach his own manager by phone and he did not know what to do  Meanwhile we found a connection downstairs in the hall of our building which is a level below our apartment, where we were able to put or modem. However, this is so far away from our apartment that we currently only have a small fraction of the internet FOR WHICH WE ARE PAYING FULL PRICE  in our living room. 


After that nobody followed up with our issue, no call or email to notify us that somebody else was going to come to fix the problem.


We got tired of waiting and my husband called you to see why nobody was following up with us and when we were going to get glasvezel in our house.

This was the beginning of a series of calls where nobody from  your costumer service was able to fix our problem. 


In the first call we talked with your KPN customer service agent  who gave us another number to call your glasvezel provider, she explained to us that she could not help us because you have a contract with this third party that connects the glasvezel. It was already incredible, that WE had to follow up with this third party  and not your customer service Agent.

When we called this third party that installs glasvezel, the costumer service was completely awful. My partner had to explain several times and spoke with 3 different people about the connection of the glasvezel and nobody could understand the problem. He would say, “ I am calling because we are still awaiting for a technician to come and install the glasvezel” and the lady would responde “but you do not have glasvezel” , and my partner would say yes, that is exactly what I am calling you for. But the lady could not understand that we needed this to be installed. We thought that her English was not good enough so that’s why she was unable to understand us. 

We were kind enough to let them know that we do not speak dutch first, and If you are a costumer service that does not have good English then, we would not mind being connected to another agent. But that didn’t happen. And after wasting 30min, nothing was solved.


We called again, and this time, we talked with 2 different agents, both did not  know how to help us. Which we found unbelievable, since we were given this number by KPN to resolve the issue with the non-existent glasvezel connection. And he said to us that he was going to get somebody else to call us back later that day, but nobody called us back. We spoke to them about how we need a cable that would fit to our apartment at least so we can have the router or modem INSIDE of our apartment and not below our apartment.


We waited for 3 days, and then called again to the same number, and this agent who answered us, told us that for the mean time she had sent a notification to the department that does the glasvezel connection and that we would get a letter when the technician was supposed to come. She apologised for all the trouble we were going through since she saw that the other agents we spoke in the past left notes in our profile but did nothing to follow up with our issue. We were told 2 times that a longer cable will be sent to our address.

We explained to her that at the moment we only have access to the internet in our living room.

She said that she was able to send us a larger cable, so we could install our modem in our apartment by ourselves, and we said that the cable should arrive in a few days.


A week and a half went by and we did not receive any cable. Therefore once again we had to call your customer service.  This time we explained that we were still expecting a cable to arrive and the agent told us that unfortunately the agent that helped us last time did not make the arrangement correctly and that’s why we did not get anything yet.

This was unbelievable! We moved in our house on the 1st of March and when we had this call was already 18th of April, with no proper internet usage in our house. Still, paying full price. And having to follow up with your customer service instead of YOU helping us resolve our problem.

The agent said apologise once again and told us that he was going to send us another cable.


We did receive the cable a few days later, BUT it was not the correct cable. So we are still only able to use internet in our living room. 


We feel helpless, it does not matter how many times we call and explain our situation, nobody knows how to help us! What are we supposed to do now?

We find it incredible as well that you only give the option to send you a letter because you do not have a customer service email. This is extremely ineffective.

We wonder when we are going to receive a reply from you, if we even are going to get one. 


We receive a week ago that a technician is going to come to install the glasvezel connection on the 7th of May. Do you find this acceptable? We moved in on the 1st of March. We have to wait almost 3 moths to get a proper internet connection.


We look forward to you reply, 


Rocío González Batallánez and & Žan Jović

Before you choose kpn read this carefully.


Before i moved houses I called KPN to check the connections in my new apartment. I was told I have the correct connections and also that my connection is in the living room. 


To my surprise i come to realize that the connection in my house is not compatible with my MODEM/experiabox.  


THis is where it gets ridiculous. The second call i had i was told i will be sent the cable straight away and that i shouldn't worry. 2 weeks later still no cable. So i call back asking why or where is my cable. The Customer service agent never sent the cable. After going through it all with another agent i wait another 2 weeks for another cable which again was not sent. So far i had to have my MODEM in the entrance 10meters bellow my feet instead of my actual apartment. OF COURSE I WAS charged full price for that month why not even though i have one bar of internet because the modem is as far as possible from me. 


So i call again and was told that a cable will be sent to me again. Low and behold i received the cable but as my experiences with KPN go so far it is WRONG. The cable was not correct so i called to complain how i have been waiting since end of February to use the internet which i am still paying full price for. I received a call today from another customer agent who was  scamming me out of my rightful refund. Her explanation was that she can send a mechanic and instead of charging me 75 euros she will way the fees but that i might still get charged if they need to do something that is not included in their package.  AS IF ITS A FKING FAVOUR TO ME!!!!!  I was told even before i moved that i have all the correct attachments and connections in the apartment from KPN CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENT if he told me that i do not have the correct connections i would not be using the KPN services since i am working from home and i need an actual connection and not 1 bar out of 5. The customer service agent was becoming more and more disrespectful treating me as if i do not understand what she was telling me and started using words as “LET ME EXPLAIN IT SLOWER SO YOU UNDERSTAND” and continued on her delusional path of wawing the fee for the mechanic. I keep explaining to her that the fees for the mechanic should be waved automatically since it is not my fault that we are here but the First agent i spoke to before i moved. She went out of her way to say I WILL NOT REFUND YOU THE 2 MONTHS and that she is already doing me a huge favour for “ waving the fee for the mechanic” . i am sitting here on my stairs covered in a blanket so i don't freeze writing this Fxxxxx Email because if i sit in my living room the connection does not work. 

I have come to realize that KPN is not interested in keeping me as a customer and would rather i go to a different provider. 

It is a shame that i was given wrong information from the beginning and instead of acknowledging the issue they turned in to my fault. By far the WORST OF THE WORST. 





*Admin: topic samengevoegd met bestaand topic


Hello @ZAN J., thank you for your elaborate message. First of all, let me say that I am sorry to read that the move to your new house has been so troublesome. I would also like to apologise that my colleagues have given you incorrect information and turned the blame onto you. This is definitely not what you may expect from us. I will try my best to help you find a solution so that you may fully use our services again.

I understand that you have an access point inside your house, but that your modem cannot be connected to this one. Why is this? Could you perhaps send me a photo of this accesspoint? That way I can see for myself if it's the correct access point.

I also understand that you have an access point outside of your house. You're able to connect your modem to this access point, but as it's outside of your house, it's very impractical. You should not have to sit in the staircase in the freezing cold just to send us a message. Could you also provide me with a photo of this access point? I'd like to see what kind of access point this is and what we could do to get the internet into your house.

Last but not least, I'd like you to complete your profile by filling out your account details. That way I can check my systems to see what you have discussed with my colleagues and it allows me to see if there's anything I can do for you.