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I have received an email that says: “We vinden het jammer dat u uw abonnement opzegt.” According to this email, my contract with KPN will end on the 25th of August.

I did not cancel the contract or sign up with a different provider. I signed up for KPN internet one month ago, in June (when moving to a new apartment), and I still do not have an active internet connection, though I have been charged the first month’s subscription costs. An engineer came today and confirmed that there is no physical problem with the line, but he was unable to activate the service because he could not access our customer information.

I have called KPN customer service several times, and nobody can explain to me why the contract has been cancelled, or what I can do to resolve this.

My question is: can you reverse this cancellation and activate our connection, or should I simply give up on KPN and find a different internet provider to start a new contract? If so, will you refund the costs that I have already paid to KPN, since I have had no internet service since moving?

Sounds like KPN would be able to fix it, but just in case they can't: if KPN can't fix it, your only other option is most likely Ziggo (or Delta it you live in the province of Zealand), as they have a monopoly on the COAX cable. Most of the fiber runs via KPN and all of the DSL, so other providers operating via KPN wouldn't be able to fix it, even if they claim they can. Some small local providers like Caiway do have a monopoly on their own local fiber networks, so you could also look into the local fiber provider if there is one.

Sounds like KPN would be able to fix it, but just in case they can't: if KPN can't fix it, your only other option is most likely Ziggo (or Delta it you live in the province of Zealand), as they have a monopoly on the COAX cable. Most of the fiber runs via KPN and all of the DSL, so other providers operating via KPN wouldn't be able to fix it, even if they claim they can. Some small local providers like Caiway do have a monopoly on their own local fiber networks, so you could also look into the local fiber provider if there is one.

Indeed, this is my concern – it’s a DSL connection (no fiber at our address) and we don’t particularly want to pay for cable. We went with KPN partly because we assumed that, being the operator of the lines, they’d be able to provide the most efficient service… which has turned out to be a very wrong assumption!

The question is, if KPN refuses to provide service and cancels our contract, does that mean we’re just unable to get access to DSL internet?! We’ve been told that the previous tenants had a Tele2 contract without any issues.

I feel you, I ain't the biggest fan of Ziggo either. If Tele2 worked at your address, it should be no problem at all to re-activate the DSL connection, and after XS4ALL / Freedom internet (and arguably Tweak), KPN is the best DSL Provider you could get, though the price-quality ratio may be a little out of balance.

Hi @Shona. Welcome to our Forum here. I'm sorry to read your order has been cancelled, eventhough the first invoice was already debited from your account. I’ve looked into this and according to my information, the case is currently being handled by our backoffice. Did they get back to you already? 

Hi @Shona. I haven't received a reply from you anymore. I hope this means the issue has been resolved by now. If you have any further questions, please let me know. 
