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Today, I experienced a sudden internet connection drop that impacted my online business operations. As my business heavily relies on a stable and consistent internet connection, any disruption can potentially lead to financial losses. I take this matter seriously and would appreciate your assistance in investigating the root cause of this connection drop. A thorough understanding of what happened will not only help me address the issue but also prevent future occurrences, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of my business.

Additionally, I am concerned about a related matter. Shortly after the connection drop, I received a call from Ziggo, a third-party entity, which informed me about the connection issue and attempted to sell their products. This is not the first time I have experienced such a situation, where a third party seems to be aware of connection issues with my KPN internet. I would like to understand how and why this information is being shared with external parties. Transparency in this matter is essential to maintain trust in the services provided.

In line with this concern, I kindly request information about the data that KPN shares with third-party entities such as Ziggo. Is there a document or resource available where I can access a comprehensive list of the information shared? Understanding the extent of data sharing will help me make informed decisions about my online activities and ensure the privacy and security of my business operations.

I understand that technical glitches can occur, and I appreciate your prompt attention to resolving them. However, I believe that transparency and communication are crucial in maintaining a strong customer-provider relationship. Your assistance in addressing these matters will not only alleviate my immediate concerns but also contribute to a smoother and more reliable internet service experience in the long run.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I look forward to your response and resolution of these issues.

Hey Vincent, the forum you are on is for consumers. If you are a business and have an business contract with KPN then you should be at


Hey Vincent, the forum you are on is for consumers. If you are a business and have an business contract with KPN then you should be at

Hi! I have a private connection, not a business plan.

You can read (part of) the code of conduct here but it is in Dutch. In summary; we don’t share any customer data with other providers. The only thing we share is if an external provider wants to take over a line or mobile number if the customer is at his/her/other end of contract. 

I have no clue why ziggo would call you, maybe it is accidental, or maybe your internet drop was a technical issue which was public on I don’t know how ziggo works but it might be possible that they crawl that page for information and if there is an issue somewhere they look at businesses at in that area and call them with an proposition. 

For looking at a detailed reason why your connection dropped; you’ll have to figure that out in your own, if it happends regularly then call KPN and let a mechanic come. Because you have an private contract KPN won’t spend lots of money on an investigation, furthermore for business contracts we have something called “4G Backup” so if there is a problem with the normal connection then it switches to 4G so you’ll be interrupted for a very short time. So don’t expect business perks with a private line. Maybe if it is really crucial switch to a business contract.