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I have a big packet loss at the third hop, I did this investigation because my voip calls, skype, microsoft teams and whatsapp video keeps freezing every 4 seconds continuously. The service engineer came today morning at my home and he didn't undestood wither why it was happening. Please have a look. I think there is a problem at one of your KPN head boxes.


*Admin: afgesplitst en een eigen topic voor vraag aangemaakt


I am more concerned about the packet loss on the second hop ( as I think that that hop causes the problems you are facing.

I think the line from your Experia Box to the server in the street cabinet is unstable.

I hope an employee of KPN will respond soon and have a look at this issue.

@Bart_ today a technician from kpn came and  he said that the connection from plug point to modem is fine and there might be a possible fault beyond the modem as pointed out by @wjb . He even tried calling through a cable and not WiFi, that also didn't work and had packet loss. Can you have a look at it? Thanks.. During these covid 19 times, working from home is the only option we have and we need a stable line for our online team meetings and voip calls. 

I am just like you a customer of KPN and member of this forum so I can't "have a look at it".

I really hope that an employee of KPN will see the urgency of your issue and will respond soon.

If you haven't done it yet, please fill in your forum profile (click) enabling the KPN employee to immediately start measuring your connection. The fields labeled with "Privé" will only be visible for you and the employee of KPN.

Hi @Anurag, welcome! What a pity that the engineer couldn't solve the issue! I would like to take a look, but I can't find a registred subscription on the adress you've put in your forum profile. Could you please check to make sure it's the right adress and maybe also fill in your customer number?

@Marcia_ I have a contract with Oxxio together with KPN. Oxxio said that they can't fix it because the line is provided by KPN and they have to fix it. KPN should have ur address and house number. I just now called KPN and they told they can't do anything about it. I am stuck between two operators, none of them can provide me with definite response. I got the new internet connection last week 21st and facing issue since then. What can I do?

Hi @Anurag, then there is nothing I can do. That is correct 😞. Oxxio needs to arrange this for you. We, KPN customer service, cannot look into your Oxxio subscription and therefore, can't do anything about it. I am very sorry.