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I have contacted KPN a month ago to install their internet service at my place. They made an appointment for two weeks later, but contacted me because they could not find a connection point at my place and my address wasn't registered. They were supposed to contact me after finding a connection point to reschedule the installation appointment. They did not call, I had to call everyday to get updated on the subject, and the update has always been "we'll call you tomorrow". A week later and several phone calls made by me later, i have received a contract and a receipt on my e-mail that start on the 16th of September. However, I received no call, no rescheduled date and no service. So I have a contract for a service I don't even know if I am going to get.

On top of that, I went to the store twice, the last time being today, where I was told "the connection point has been made so all is solved", even though I have NO router, NO internet, no NOTHING on my apartment. The consultant was very confused and it's needless to say she didn't know what was going on or what she was talking about. She promised that I would be contacted soon. My question is: for what? When am I going to get contacted? Am I going to have an installation date? Am I going to be charged for this service I can't even get installed a my place? It has been A MONTH and all I get is vague responses, incompetent answers and zero solved problems. At this point I just want someone to cancel the contract or actually show up and do their job.
Hello @Joana. I would like to find out what exactly is going on. When there's a problem with finding the connection point, the least we can do is inform you and keep you posted about progress. Even is there's no real progress, keeping you informed is key.

Could you update your profile with your info, so I can find out what's going on?
Hello @Joana. I would like to find out what exactly is going on. When there's a problem with finding the connection point, the least we can do is inform you and keep you posted about progress. Even is there's no real progress, keeping you informed is key.

Could you update your profile with your info, so I can find out what's going on?

Hello, @Paul_ . I have updated my profile info. Thanks.
Okay, I took a look for you. If I'm reading this correctly my colleague spoke to you yesterday.

The delay started with the first order. The address wasn't complete because the addition for the housenumber was missing. It took a while to contact you, and to figure this out. The nasty part about all this is that the order had to be canceled, and a new order had to be placed on the right address.

Now that a new order has been placed, we can see that you don't have a connection point, and that a contracter will have to make one in your house. They will contact you whithin 8 working days to make a appointment. After you have the physical connection point, the order can actually be completed on our end so you will have a working internet connection.

I'm sorry everything seems to be so difficult. In the end there were two problems which cause this delay. 1 is fixed (address), and the other one will be fixed (connection point). The only thing to do right now is waiting on the call for the appointment..
See, here's my problem with all of that @Paul_ :

At the store, they were the ones who did not want to register the request on the right address, because it would not show up in their system. So they decided to make a note so that the installation people would know before arriving (or so I was told). They probably already knew that all of this would play out, but still did it anyway without informing me properly of what would happen.

On top of that, yes, I did talk to customer service everyday, but that's because I called. They never called me - they just told their colleague wasn't in and that they would call the next day. For 4 days.

Finally, you want me two believe two things: that they are indeed going to call within 8 days, which I highly doubt, and that 8 days is a reasonable time frame for you to call me JUST TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT for which I will have to wait for... another 14 days. When at the store when I first made my request, the appointment was made right away. In what country is it ok to wait for 8 WORKING days (which really means a week and a half) after A MONTH of my request just to schedule an appointment?? That assuming, of course, that I will receive a call (which again, I don't believe).

I have lived in 8 places and never heard of or had to deal with a situation like this. This is completely unbelievable and honestly exhausting. At this point I will just try to go with another service because frankly the idea of being stuck with a 1 year contract at a company that takes this long to resolve issues simply isn't appealing.
Also, I have received a contract and a receipt dating from 16 of September. Am I even gonna get charged for this? For a service that I don't have? Why do I have a receipt, then, @Paul_ ?
At the store, they were the ones who did not want to register the request on the right address, because it would not show up in their system. So they decided to make a note so that the installation people would know before arriving (or so I was told). They probably already knew that all of this would play out, but still did it anyway without informing me properly of what would happen.

I wasn't implying that it was your fault or anything. Sorry if it seemed that way. I don't know if they knew exactly what was going to happen, but they should know that if an order is placed on the wrong address, the order will be delayed.

On top of that, yes, I did talk to customer service everyday, but that's because I called. They never called me - they just told their colleague wasn't in and that they would call the next day. For 4 days.

I see several call attempts from our backoffice to verify the address etc. I didn't mean your calls to us (which obviously happened).

Finally, you want me two believe two things: that they are indeed going to call within 8 days, which I highly doubt, and that 8 days is a reasonable time frame for you to call me JUST TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT for which I will have to wait for... another 14 days. When at the store when I first made my request, the appointment was made right away. In what country is it ok to wait for 8 WORKING days (which really means a week and a half) after A MONTH of my request just to schedule an appointment?? That assuming, of course, that I will receive a call (which again, I don't believe).

I get that your trust is gone because of all that happened... The problem is that a contracter (not the ISP) is going to have to make the physical connection point in your house which requires a third party and different skillset. Unfortunately that takes time... When you first made the appointment, it was for an engineer from us to just install the router etc. This is something they can't do.

I have lived in 8 places and never heard of or had to deal with a situation like this. This is completely unbelievable and honestly exhausting. At this point I will just try to go with another service because frankly the idea of being stuck with a 1 year contract at a company that takes this long to resolve issues simply isn't appealing.

If you really want to cancel everything, I recommend calling 0800-0402 of start a chat. Remember that if you order at another ISP, and they also use xDSL, you will need a connection point.

Also, I have received a contract and a receipt dating from 16 of September. Am I even gonna get charged for this? For a service that I don't have? Why do I have a receipt, then, @Paul_ ?

You will not pay for a subscription, if you can't use our services. Simple as that.