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Dear support team,

I would like to start by apologizing for my post written in English. I am an expat and although I’m trying hard to learn Dutch, I’m still not quite there ;)
I have recently started an optic fiber connection with KPN, but unfortunately due to the electrical installation in the house that I’m renting, it was impossible to swap the existing coaxial with a new UTP cable. As such, I have decided instead of going back to Ziggo, to stay with KPN and use ethernet over coax converters to make things work.
The problem is that the first technician that visited my house to install the modem and the cables, to make his work easier, decided to cut the end of the coaxial cable, thus leaving the cable without an F-connector, which was left inside the splitter (see below).

This is an issue for me for two reasons: 1) I am liable to my landlord for damages to property and equipment, 2) I cannot use the converters because the F-connector is missing.

After filing a complaint about it, I received a phone call regarding this issue today. The person on the other side of the line was a gentleman who explained to me that there is nothing that KPN could do about it because “we are not dealing with coaxial cables”. 
Although this damage was clearly done by one of KPN’s technicians, the gentleman could not provide any reasonable explanation or solution as to what can and should be done. Even though the whole conversation was done in English, it ended with him saying that it was difficult for him to explain the situation in English. This was of course understandable and since Dutch was not my strongest points, I’ve asked if it was possible to connect me with someone who could explain the situation in English. To my astonishment, he replied “No. That is not possible, because KPN is a Dutch company, and we only speak Dutch”.
Knowing that language can be a barrier sometimes, I am always trying to get in the other person’s shoes. However, as someone who also works in customer support, I’ve found this answer very unprofessional and alienating.
At this point I am getting desperate because I don’t know who else to contact. I am paying for a subscription which I cannot use to its fullest due to this cable damage. I would appreciate your help and advice on the next steps.

Thank you in advance.

Hello @vslbs, welcome! It's no problem that you contact us in English. Despite being a Dutch company, we do welcome expats. So, if you ask me, we don't only speak Dutch; we will try our best to speak English as well. Although some might speak better English than others. As long as that's no problem for you, we'll gladly help you in English.

From what I understand, you had two technicians visit your house. The first to install the optic fiber connection, the second to install the coax converters (MOCA) as you were unable to swap out the existing coax for a UTP cable. Both did their job, but the first technician decided to cut the existing coax cable to make his work easier. To be honest, I don't understand why he did this, as he could just have unplugged the F-connector. But alright, he choose to do so anyway. Consequently, you're unable to use the coax cable and thus unable to use the MOCA. You have already filed a complaint, but my colleague was unable to help you. I have to admit that we won't be able to fix the cable. My colleague is right in saying that we don't usually work with coax cables. Hence, our technicians won't be able to fix the coax cable for you. However, I do believe that we should be responsible for providing another solution, as it was our technician's fault your coax cable is now damaged.

I'd like to see what I can do for you. Could you please fill out your forum profile? I need your customer number, postal code, house number, and date of birth. I'll be awaiting your reply.

Hi @Denise_ and thank you for your reply. I have filled out the necessary information on my profile. Please let me know if you need any additional information from me.

The installation of the MOCA adapters is still pending, but it will be completed by me. The first technician decided to cut the cable instead of unscrewing the F-connector, because to do so, he needed to have the right tool (either pliers or a wrench), which I am guessing that he didn’t have at that moment.

I appreciate your effort to help me out and I am looking forward to your reply and/or actions.

How was he planning to connect the moca with a cut cable? I could understand if he was trying to remove the coax cable and replace it with a utp.


What you could do is, strip the coax cable for a couple cm's. Do you have a extra unused coax wall connector? You could connect it to the coax cable, and then the Moca on this wall connector. Maybe not very pretty, but it wil work :grin:



Hi @DennisA78!
Thank you for the suggestion. If I had a cable stripper and an extra F-connector, believe me… I would have done it myself! That way I would have saved me a couple of weeks of time and a few phone calls back and forth with KPN!
Indeed, the first technician tried to remove the coax cable and replace it with a UTP. Unfortunately, the cable was stuck, so he installed the router inside the meterkast (ground floor) and left the coaxial cable hanging there. The MOCA adapters came up as an idea afterwards, after deciding to stay with KPN and find an alternative solution.

Hi @DennisA78!
Thank you for the suggestion. If I had a cable stripper and an extra F-connector, believe me… I would have done it myself! That way I would have saved me a couple of weeks of time and a few phone calls back and forth with KPN!

If you want, I could file another complaint. However, we might risk having you go through the same conversation again. I'd like to avoid that. You say that you could fix the cable yourself, if you had the tools. So my offer would be as follows: If you buy the necessary tools yourself, you can send me a copy of the invoice/bill and I'll make sure you get a refund for the purchase. I think this would be the easiest and fastest solution.

You could, for example, buy the F-connector and the cable stripper at Or you could to your nearest hardware store and buy the supplies there. I'll leave that up to you.

What region are we talking about? Since I am hoarding everything that might come in useful another time I have some spare parts for coaxial cables in my van. If it is in my region (even though chances are small) and @Denise_ can make ticket for a mechanic I could also come and fix it, but that could take a couple of days since were closing in on the weekend.


If there is a Gamma nearby, they also sell all the tools required to make it work.

If you want, I could file another complaint. However, we might risk having you go through the same conversation again. I'd like to avoid that. You say that you could fix the cable yourself, if you had the tools. So my offer would be as follows: If you buy the necessary tools yourself, you can send me a copy of the invoice/bill and I'll make sure you get a refund for the purchase. I think this would be the easiest and fastest solution.

You could, for example, buy the F-connector and the cable stripper at Or you could to your nearest hardware store and buy the supplies there. I'll leave that up to you.

Hi @Denise_.
Unfortunately, it’s not that simple for me. I’m not allowed by my landlord to make any electrical repairs myself. Since I haven’t repaired something similar before, I would rather have a professional do it. Also, it doesn’t make sense to buy tools that I’m never going to use again (cable stripper, coax crimping tool, cutting tool, pliers, etc).
However, if it’s KPN’s policy to not deal with coaxial cables, I can at least try to find an electrician who does and hire him for the job. I can then send you a copy of the invoice/bill for a refund. Would you consider this as a fair counteroffer?

@NHendriks I am in the region of Rotterdam, which I am afraid that is too far from you :slight_frown:
I appreciate your willingness to help me out, though! 

 I am in the region of Rotterdam, which I am afraid that is too far from you :slight_frown:
I appreciate your willingness to help me out, though! 

Ah, too bad.. Rotterdam is a bit far out of my region indeed. That's no option then unfortunately :(

 I am in the region of Rotterdam, which I am afraid that is too far from you :slight_frown:
I appreciate your willingness to help me out, though! 

Ah, too bad.. Rotterdam is a bit far out of my region indeed. That's no option then unfortunately :(

It is near mine but I’m not a hoarder like you… @Denise_ is it at the Europoort region? Maybe I can give an helping hand… 

I'm sorry, I was under the impression that you could do it yourself if you had the tools, hence my offer. Unfortunately, I cannot agree to your counteroffer. I could, however, offer to reimburse the costs for a KPN servicemonteur. You can make an appointment yourself via our website, or I could plan the technician with a clear note saying they're asked to fix a coax cable. Could you let me know which has your preference?

Hi @Denise_ 

I am a little confused with your current offer, because in your first response, you mention that KPN’s technicians wouldn’t be able to fix the coax cable for me:

I have to admit that we won't be able to fix the cable. My colleague is right in saying that we don't usually work with coax cables. Hence, our technicians won't be able to fix the coax cable for you.

However, I am willing to take the offer if that means fixing that cable. If you could arrange it for me, that would be great indeed. Just one clarification before we proceed...
I am not sure if you mean “try to reimburse the costs” or “offer to reimburse the costs” for a KPN servicemonteur. In both cases, that would imply that I’ll pay the costs of the repair, but in the 1st case I might probably get reimbursed and in the 2nd case I will certainly get reimbursed for the costs. Can you please clarify?

From the picture you sent in it looks to me like the F-connector used is not the “crimp on” type, but the “screw on” type.

So basically all that needs to be done:

  • Take old F-connector from splitter
  • Unscrew F-connector and remove old cable end from it.
  • Remove isolation from cable.
  • Screw on the connector to cable.
  • Connect F-connector to splitter.


This is two minutes work without needing anything but a knife to remove isolation from the cable.



Hi @Denise_ 

I am a little confused with your current offer, because in your first response, you mention that KPN’s technicians wouldn’t be able to fix the coax cable for me:


If there had been no response from @Ik_Hussel and @NHendriks there would have been a sarcastic response from me here. KPN engineers are generally excellent professionals and of course they know everything about coax connections. @Denise_  is a communicator, but of course she has learned now. Well done by these 3 KPN employees in my opinion. 

Technically, our technicians are not required to know how to fix a coax cable. Usually, it is not our responsibility to fix a coax cable. However, as one of our technicians broke the cable in the first place, I believe we are also responsible for fixing the damage. Hence, I'd like to try and make an appointment with a technician that knows how to fix a coax cable. I have made an appointment for tomorrow, October 19th. The technician will arrive between 14.00 and 16.00 pm. I have informed the technician that they're visiting you to fix a coax cable. I have even provided them with a link to this forum topic.

The technician should only charge you for extra materials or extra time. If they do, let me know, then I will reimburse these costs. I'm sorry for the confusion in my previous message. I changed my sentence midway and forgot to take out the word ‘try’. :sweat_smile:

Thank you, Denise. I appreciate your patience and continuous support.
I will keep you posted on any further updates.

For everyone reading along: @vslbs has let me know last week that the technician has successfully repaired the coaxial cable! They can now use the internet over the coaxial cable with the MOCA adapters. :blush: