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As ridiculous as the title says, I requested the service on the 1st of march this year and I still havent received the modem (see picture below).

The order tracking thing just keeps being updating with newer further dates. What is going on???? Will I ever receive the installation kit??



Hi @PabloImpro, welcome to our forum! You should get your installation package a couple of days before the installation date. If you haven't received it by now or at least had some kind of tracking I recommend you give us a call on 0800-0402, my colleagues can look into this and request a new package if the old one got lost.

Hi Thomas.

I called that number last week without any clear answer, just to wait for the delivery.

I called again on Monday and the operator was a bit more proactive sending a complaint on my behalf but without any immediate solution or clarity on the status. He said that everything indicates I'm ready to receive the modem and connect it, but it's not being dispatched.

Today the connection date was pushed forward again. I lost my patience already. I need a solution TODAY.



If the date keeps being postponed the actual problem is not that the package has not been sent, but the connection is not ready for installation yet.
I'm not sure what the cause is of this delay but my colleagues on the phone should be able to either tell you or forward a ticket to the backoffice to find out.

If the activation date is certain the package will automatically be dispatched

Update: I called again and got no help, I was told to keep waiting. Got no info on what is pending or when it will be resolved. The ticket issued by the previous agent did not achieve anything.

Oh and the date was pushed forward again, see image below. 1 month and 7 days worth of delay, no solution, no info, no guarantees on the date.


Its Monday

