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We have bought internet service on 4th of July for a line suppose to be active the 10th. When we installed our internet it worked for 10 minutes then it stopped working. We called the customer service, a technician was suppose to come 1 week later (first, it is a LONG time to wait but whatever) the technicien NEVER SHOWED UP. We called and they said “sorry,we don’t know why he cancelled your meeting, and now we cannot book any new appointment in our system but we will call you first thing in the morning on Monday.” NO NEWS on Monday (what a surprise! For such a bad service) we called AGAIN and they said sorry we cannot do anything for you, you have to wait until somebody calls you 

NO ONE HAS CALLLED, WE HAVE NO INTERNET, NO SOLUTION, I am working from home, what are we suppose to do????? Wait until suddenly someone DARES taking care of their clients ? 

Hi @Yombakker, welcome to our forum. 
Thank you for your message, this should ofcourse never happen!

The quickest way to reach us about this is through 0800-0402 (toll free) or through the chat on 
If you like I could also take a look but our reply speed may be a bit slower here.

Could you update your profile and let me know?

“Quickest way is call the number” - well thank you but we have done that FOUR TIMES and always the same shit answer saying they cannot do anything for us because the system refuses to book an appointment with a technician because of someone creating the wrong ticket incident - so because of someone from your side made a mistake we are stuck with no internet and no service and spending hours on the phone with people not helping. So could we have something else than calling please? And quick? 

Thanks for the info @Yombakker, I'm afraid there simply is'nt a quicker solution to this problem and I have the same answers as my colleagues on the phone or chat.
The ticket is currently with our backoffice and I can't make them work any faster. They will get back to you on this but the next day is a promise we simply can't keep.
I've forwarded your feedback about this.

So you are basically telling me that we have been paying for no internet and no service for the past 15 days and you cannot do anything for us? Because everyday they’ve been saying we will call you tomorrow and we have no phone call. Do you realize how bad this makes you look as a service ? 
How am I suppose to be working from home in these conditions ? When a company is saying loud and clear that their clients’ satisfaction is their number one priority let me doubt that. Especially as I have been reading quite similar reviews about same things happening in this forum. This is very disappointing. 

I completely understand how awful it is to be without services, especially for this long and especially with unkept promises like that.
You won't be billed for this period ofcourse, this won't start until your connection is actually working.

That aside it's not intentional to keep you in the dark like this and we should have kept you up-to date better about the proceedings of this ticket.

We finally had someone on the phone yesterday and they booked an appointment for tomorrow morning 

they said we should receive an email for confirmation and we never got it. Could you please confirm that someone will be coming tomorrow? This situation is getting from worst to nightmare. I can’t work anymore.


Good morning! I can confirm the appointment tomorrow (23-07) between 08:00 and 10:00
Let us know how it goes!