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Hello, apologies for writing in English, my Dutch is not yet on the level to to discuss technical topics. 


On Friday, 18 August at about 18:00 my internet connection went out for about ~15m, restarting the Box 12 did not help. It seemed to resolve itself out, but what I have started noticing are random brief disconnects. 


I went ahead to plot ping graphs to Cloudflare DNS, that is also configured in the router in “Thuisnetwerk → DHCP”. 


What I saw was what seems to be random connection drops but with each drop having the same duration of about 3 seconds, in most cases.

Over a span of 30m I had about 5% packet loss. Attached are screenshots of ping plotter.

The modem displays that the internet connection is being active for 0 minutes each time this happens, meaning that the router lost it. 


I work remotely for a High-Frequency Trading (HFT) firm, where network stability is incredibly crucial to my job, as I need persistent connection to remote hosts, and these drops time me out of my remote sessions. 


I would appreciate any support.


Router model: SagemcomFast5359_KPN

FW version: V12.C.23.04.33


Hi @K.C.Staat . Welcome to the forum.

Are the postal code and housenumber in your profile correct?  If so, can I have permission to do some measurements?




Hi @K.C.Staat . Welcome to the forum.

Are the postal code and housenumber in your profile correct?  If so, can I have permission to do some measurements?






Thanks for the reply, the info is accurate. You can perform measurements.



@Erwin_ Any updates? 

@Erwin_. did you manage to get any insight to what is happening? 

sorry for the late response. I'm gonna measure your connection right now

on 18-8 I see a WHOLE lot of disconnects.   (98 to be specific) 

But the connection seems stable after that.  Is this also your experience?