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Good day,


I have been a KPN internet client from 2018 to 2022. In 2022 I changed internet providers from KPN to Ziggo 2022. The reason was the internet dropping and disconnecting constantly, and working from home was a daily affair back then.


Before 2022 there were no connection issues with KPN, at least not enough for it to be a noticeable problem. With Ziggo, my internet never dropped or disconnected. After the year with Ziggo, I decided to try KPN again. Frustratingly the issues I had with connection drops started from day one.


The first technician's solution was to change the old ISRA type 1 to ISRA type 2. Because Type 1 is the old type and the Type 2 works better to communicate with the KPN Box 12 with the connection type I have. I was also told, supper WIFI’s will also help solve the connection issue with Wi-Fi-connected devices. So I purchased 2 of them to cover the first floor and zolder of my house. All of this made no change.


The second technician that came to check then said the issue is the modem (KPN Box 12). Saying that because of the type of connection I have, the old modem (Experia Box v10) will work better and solve the connection problem. But for this to work I would need to purchase a 3rd super Wi-Fi to connect directly to the modem.


Still having issues after spending a lot of euros on supper WIFIs. This is unacceptable, paying for a service that is unreliable and not delivering what is promised. Getting speeds of as little as 20mbps when the internet starts dropping. It makes working from home almost impossible and embracing when a teams meeting dropped.


I need this issue fixed ASAP!

Hi @Ubuntu, welcome to our forum. Eventhough you've spend a year with a different provider the drops continue on our connection. That is weird. Did you have a Box 12 before, like you do now? If it was a different modem back then, I don't know if it really is the modem. 

And what exactly is dropping, you mentioned the SuperWifi's so the Wifi is affected. But what about devices connected with a cable? Do those also drop, or do they stay online?

We can't see what you see, we only know what you tell us. The more you tell us, the more we can think with you. If it's easier to explain it by phone, that is also possible. You can reach us as 0800-0402.

Hi Jasper, 

In 2018 when I first got Kpn internet, I received the Experia Box v10a in the Kpn setup box. 
Then back in 2020 to 2022 I received a Box 12 from Kpn as a replacement, to see if it would solve the connection issue. Unfortunately, it didn't. 

When I signed up with Kpn again this year I received a Box 12 and it was exchanged by the technician for a Experia Box v10. 

So currently I have an Experia Box v10. 

Both WiFi and Cable connected devices get disconnected due to the internet drop.
The strange thing is when I phone Kpn and they check they see no drop in the signal. 

What is even weirder is that when I called a few days after my internet was activated on April 13th ( about 3 days later ) after experiencing the internet drops. I was told that my internet was active way before April 13th… how is that even possible if according to my new contract the line would only be activated on April 13th?

Hope the information I have given above is helpful in some way to try and get this issue solved

The type of modem you have has no effect on the situation, that is clear. If there is no drop visible in the signal, it might be that there is something else going on. I don't know what, your details are not on your profile yet. If you fill that out completely and reply here afterwards, I'll be able to take a look aswel.


How is your situation now? Still disconnects?