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I am looking for assistance to get in touch with someone to cancel our internet. I spoke with someone for almost an hour today and they said they could not help me to but to email but that is not a valid email address. Maybe someone here can help get me in contact with the correct people but here is what I was trying to send


I am writing to try to get some assistance with the hope to cancel our internet before our contract has ended. Not because I want to, we enjoyed having the fiber optic internet at our previous address, but because since we moved, trying to get internet in our new house has been a nightmare. Below is an outline of events that have occurred to date and the information for our account:


10May2024, scheduled our move online. When this was competed, it showed KPN fiber was available at our new address, and set the start date to 13Jun2024 so it was ready when we moved in 14Jun2024.

11Jun2024, I Called to confirm everything was set up, I was told I have to wait until I get the final email that it was ready to go, that they could not confirm if/when fiber internet would be available when we moved in.

12Jun2024, I called multiple times. I spoke with KPN, who directed me to KPN network,  who directed me to a contractor, who sent me back to KPN network when it was finally confirmed KPN confirmed Fiber optic was not set up. We were then sent a mobile wifi and a 100 gb sim card to get us through until we had internet.

01Jul2024, I Called as mobile wifi data ran out, requested more data and to switch to 200mb/s a there was not estimated time when fiber would be available. This was set  to be active 03Jul2024. Was told mobile WiFi would be given another 100 gbs however that never occurred.

02Jul2024, I called again as the mobile WiFi was still not working, they said it was cancelled when we changed to the 200 mb/s internet, but they would activate it and top it off. This still never worked.

04Jul2024, I called as 200 mb/s internet was active, I received the internet, but it was not working. Mechanic to be sent on 08Jul to set up internet. Mobile WIFI again was to be set up with 100 gbs as it still was not working but this still did not occur.

08Jul2024, Mechanic came out, looked around our house (didn’t do any work) and spoke with our neighbors to see if they had KPN. At this time he told us we are not set up for KPN so we need to switch to Ziggo, he also attempted to get the mobile WIFI working and said it will work in a few hours. At this time I called as KPN to cancel the contract as KPN was unable to provide internet at our address. At this time I was told it would be cancelled so I set up a new contract with Ziggo

12Jul2024, I called to confirm cancellation as I had not received any information. I was told there was a note on our account that it would be cancelled.

19Jul2024, I called again to confirm cancelation as we have not received any information or boxes to send back our modem. Confirmed yet again from representative that it was to be cancelled and I should get an email that day confirming everything.

29Jul2024, I called again as still no information was received that it was to be cancelled. At this time I was informed there was nothing in the system regarding it being cancelled. That the mechanic didn’t leave any notes about it not being set up at our house and that if we cancel, we have to pay up through our contract date of 28Dec2024.

This whole encounter has left us feeling very frustrated. As you can see form the timeline, I have called more than 10 times, with some of these conversations lasting 2 hours. We did everything in our ability to get us through until the fiber internet was available, tried to get the mobile WiFi fixed on 4 different occasions and it never worked. I was given on a few times 100 gb/s hotspot on my phone as well so then at least we had something for at night.

On 08Jul2024 when the mechanic was sent to set up our internet and we were told it would work and to move to Ziggo, that is what we did. I confirmed it with multiple representatives when I called as well. It was not until today where I was told everything I was told before was wrong, and there were no notes from the mechanic or anyone else about us not being able to have KPN.

We were happy with KPN, the internet was fast and reliable, as you can see from our account we moved one phone over, and the other is scheduled to move over in a few months. But I have spent countless hours on the phone over the course of 6 weeks and we still don’t have internet from KPN, and now I’m being told we have to pay through December as nothing was documented correctly.

I understand there is a contract, but at this time KPN has not been able to fulfil their end of contract since we have moved into our new house. The initial contract was for fiber, which is not available, and the only reason we moved to the 200 mb/s is because we were desperate for internet, my wife works from home and we needed something quickly. We were told it was active and would work at our house but that is still not the case. We moved to ziggo as that is what the mechanic advised us to do, we would not have done that on our own as I didn’t want to end up in this exact situation where we are not stuck with two internet contracts.

Hi @twillow, welcome to our community!

What a hassle! I can imagine you're quite done with this. If we can't deliver on your adress the subcription should of course get cancelled.
The quickest way to contact us about things like this will be by phone but I understand you already called us plenty.

The e-mail adress my colleagues meant is 

My colleagues there should be able to help you with this!
