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So my internet conection was taken ower by other provider. After calling KPN the lady could not explain me why i dont have an internet but on the second day contacting KPN via chat option, the person told me that my conection was taken over.

how on earth can someone take over my conection without me knowing anything about it?

why does nobody at KPN even tried to contact me about this?

why its so easy for a company to take over my conection but so hard for KPN to switch it back that in two days it could not be done?


i find it really unprofessional and it shows how much KPN care about customers. 







@Ekso Welcome to our forum. The situation you are talking about is called "slamming", this is when an internet provider takes over the line of another internet provider. In the Netherlands you can request an internet contract on every adress you would like. Then we receive a request and message you. 

I also checked the information and we did inform you with a letter and an e-mail on the third of september, and asked you if this was incorrect, to contact us. When the line is taken over it takes a while to recover. I see that you received a package with 4G data to be online untill the problem is solved and that our escalation team is working on it as we speak. I hope it will be fixed soon, sorry for the inconvenience! 

Tnx for answer. Yes i receved the email and on 15 of september 10:11 i called kpn to explain that im not moving. I belive this is second atempt to steal my line since the first was dodged :wink:

Two weeks and still no changes. This is not serious anymore. I get a bill for full month, 4g 50gb data is not the same as 200mb/s no limit. Every time i call i get prommised im getting back my conection within two days. Last time i called i was told that today its going to be back. Still nothing. 

@Ekso I can understand that this very frustrating, I see that our escalation team is indeed working on it. I send the colleague an e-mail, when I have a reaction I will let you know as soon as possible!

@Ekso How is the situation at this moment?