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I got my modem on Monday (28.12) and on the same day I got sms saying that the connection is ready.
I connected everything like in the video, yet still I can’t get internet connection working.

I called the customer service few times and every time they say that my connection will be ready 
“tommorow” and everyday when I call it’s for tommorow.

I created myKPN profile and I can’t see the internet subscription there neither.

Is it possible that the wires are somehow wrong in my apartment and this is why it’s still not active?
I need help with that, I really need the internet connection for my work!


Hello @nawojm, welcome to the forum.

I'm sorry to hear your connection isn't working yet. I would like to take a look at this for you. Could you fill in your informaton (postal code, house number and name + date of birth of the contract holder) in your profile (private)?

Do you have internet yet? If not, please let me know.

Hi @Bart_Z ,
No, I still don’t have an internet connection.

Hello again,
I called customer service again on Thursday (31.12.2020) and I’ve been told that my connection will be active on Monday (04.01.2021), today I reset my modem as in the instructions and the connection was still not working. I called customer service again and they told me that my connection will be ready the next day again.
I’m tired of KPN so I canceled my contract and ordered from another provider.
Have a nice day.