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I have been using KPN 500/500 fiber optic internet for months and I started losing my internet connection very often since last 3 weeks. All leds are green on the router* and on the fiber optic box but internet keeps on dropping.

What could be the possible reason? I suspect of a backend problem.

What did I do to understand and fix the problem?


  • To make sure if it is only for specific device or for all, I tested connectivity with 6 different devices including pc, mac, mobile etc
  • To make sure if it is not only for wifi, I connected to the router via cable. Problem occurred with wired connection as well.
  • Tried different cables with different devices to make sure it is not cable or device
  • Hard resetted the router with a pin. Problem still occurs
  • Turned fiber box on and off

As you may see below, - in traceroute is losing 92.687% of the packets, it effect the overall network quality. On top of that I’m having complete drop of internet for up 5 seconds (image 2).


Looking forward to your urgent help as this effects my experience of working from home.


image 2


@Batuj Thank you for mentioning it here. Weird that they never called you back. I'll take a look who it was and why it's taking him/her so long to call back. I'll let you know when I know a bit more. My apologies for this slow process of fixing your issue.

@Batuj Here I am again. I called the Mechanic department. The Mechanic did tests and concluded nothing was wrong in the cabinet, but forgot to call you about this I think? Very unpleasant situation. So, the problem isn't solved since nothing seems to be wrong in the connection. 
Do you mind if I do some tests again and see if the results are good? I need to reset the modem, so your services will temporary stop working. Please let me know, than I'll start running the tests. 

Hi @Lisa  please go ahead anytime you wish. Your colleagues were supposed to call me before conducting the tests and I should have a downtime of up to 30min  however this never happened. Are we sure that we are talking about the same tests ? 




@Batuj I called the mechanic department and they provided me with this information. So I didn't test the network, but I will tomorrow morning together with a colleague of mine who will look at it as well. I also send an e-mail to the mechanic department to ask how it is possible that your connection continued to work.  I hope to get a reply bu tomorrow morning and otherwise I'll give them another call.  

Hi @Lisa  still waiting for this one :( 


Internet drops are still happening - less frequently and speed is 150mb download/500mb upload.



@jordy.vanderbolt Hi collega! Ik hoorde van je intrede hier op het Forum en dacht meteen aan deze case. 
Zou jij met ons mee willen kijken wat er hier aan de hand is, waarom de download snelheid laegr is dan de upload snelheid en dat in eerste instantie het internet onwerkbaar leek/ nog steeds is?
Er is al een monteur langs geweest op locatie, die heeft uitgesloten dat er geen kruising e.d. aan de hand was in de wijkkast. De monteur is verder niet in huis geweest om de verbinding te controleren omdat alles goed was volgens zijn metingen. 
Mijn metingen sluiten verder niets geks uit. Heb jij enig idee waar het nog aan kan liggen. Down/up geeft een groot verschil in een bekabelde meting zoals je ziet. 

@jordy.vanderbolt Hi collega! Ik hoorde van je intrede hier op het Forum en dacht meteen aan deze case. 
Zou jij met ons mee willen kijken wat er hier aan de hand is, waarom de download snelheid laegr is dan de upload snelheid en dat in eerste instantie het internet onwerkbaar leek/ nog steeds is?
Er is al een monteur langs geweest op locatie, die heeft uitgesloten dat er geen kruising e.d. aan de hand was in de wijkkast. De monteur is verder niet in huis geweest om de verbinding te controleren omdat alles goed was volgens zijn metingen. 
Mijn metingen sluiten verder niets geks uit. Heb jij enig idee waar het nog aan kan liggen. Down/up geeft een groot verschil in een bekabelde meting zoals je ziet. 

@Lisa Zeker kan ik meekijken! Is het mogelijk om mij postcode en huisnummer van klant in een prive bericht te sturen? Dan kan ik meten op dempingen, want ik vermoed dat dit een probleem ín de glasvezel!

@Batuj I will shortly introduce you to @jordy.vanderbolt. He is one of our mechanics and can run way more tests than I can (and has more tech-skills:sweat_smile: ). He might be the miracle we were looking for to solve your problem. 
Another mechanic already tested the cabinet. The signal you receive from there is fine. So… To be able to figure out what causes the connection drops we need to start with a clean slate. 

Could you disconnect all wired devices from the Experiabox? 

  • disconnect the tv's, TP-link router, other wired devices

Then you create a wired connection between your laptop and Experiabox and start running a speed test (select the server KPN Rotterdam). 
Please provide us with the results of the speed test. 
If the results are fine, we now know that the connection drops are caused by one of the connected devices. If not, Jordy hopefully knows the answer, haha

Hi Lisa, Jordy, 


Thanks for introduction to @jordy.vanderbolt and thanks Jordy for your help here. 


Actually speed is least of my problems. The lag is doing the harm in d2d activities like meetings, voip calls etc. I thought lag was due to dropped packets but per your words, it is not and I'm curious what the reason could be.


On cable, I got gradually increasing speed starting from 150mb and reaching to 268 at the last seconds please see the graph here: 


This is Experia Box Wifi: -same on mobile