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I am sorry I don’t speak Dutch so I have to write this post in English.


For the last two months I had issues on my Internet connections which dropped many times during the day. I requested an engineer who changed the modem and cable. The problem was solved at the beginning but then the connection dropped again especially in the evening.

I had to request another engineer appointment and I posted the following errors this time to the request.

2022-10-03 19:50:24 PPP(eth_route):ppp0 down for reason is LCP down
2022-10-03 19:50:24 PPP(eth_route):ppp0 down for reason is LCP down

After while I received an SMS from KPN saying that due to a malfunction I wasn’t able to use Internet. Some time later I received another one saying the problem was solved. These messages were vague and not related to my request. 

It seemed the problem was solved but after a day the connection dropped again and so every day at least one time.

The technician should come today but I don’t know what he can do, I tried to cancel the appointment but the Service tools doesn’t work, it shows the message


I called the 0800-0402 trying to understand the Dutch menu but no one answered me and then I received another SMS saying

Beste klant, op dit tijdstip kunnen we u niet met uw vraag helpen. Online vindt u antwoord op de meeste vragen. Bezoek hiervoor Geen antwoord gevonden? Dan staan we maandag t/m zaterdag vanaf 08.00 uur weer voor u klaar. Groet, KPN

Shouldn’t the service be 24x7?


I am really frustrated because my problem is not solved and the service is not working.


Hope someone can help with this problem.

Hello @prina72 

You can call the customer service with the toll-free number of KPN 0800 0402
Available on: Mon-Fri between 08:00 - 18:00, Sat. 08:00 - 17:00.

They are available 24/7 for urgent malfunctions

Thanks @huistijger 

The menu’ is only in Dutch language and I don’t know what is asking for. I tried to wait a bit but the call is ended.


Can you tell me which number I should choice in order to get an answer from a person?


Hi @prina72 . If you stay on the line long enough you will be connected to an employer.

Did you manage to solve the issue?


Thanks @Erwin_ 


The issue has been solved by a technician who changed modem and fiber optic box.

Great! Good to know that it has been solved.