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Hi all,


Sorry my Dutch is not sufficient enough, so I have to do it in English.


I just started with KPN in the beginning of September. Since then, I have had suffered Internet drops in random moment of a day (1 to 2 times a day). It just randomly has no Internet in around 5 minutes and then the connection is back. 


When it happens, the LEDs on Modem is still green, Glas and Ethernet LEDs on NTP box are lid on, and LEDs on 2 SuperWifi modules are green also. Both wired and wireless connection drop. I have tried Resetting the modem and Powercycle (unplug and plug back power adapter within 2minutes) the NTP box but it still happens. 


Maybe helpful information: In the first day of my subscription, there is a problem with glasfiber connection from outside. I called KPN and technician came and he found out the a broken cable or something similar and he has replaced it. I have had internet since then but suffering this random Internet drop.


Any solution/fix/suggestion is much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Sorry I misspelled it. It is NT box which is the fiber optic box on the wall

I've got the same issue's recently, all the lights are green but sometimes the connection is gone and a few minutes later it just works fine again. Never had this problem before. Maybe a problem with the latest firmware or something like that ? 

I've got the same issue's recently, all the lights are green but sometimes the connection is gone and a few minutes later it just works fine again. Never had this problem before. Maybe a problem with the latest firmware or something like that ? 

Hi Peter,


I tried factory reset yesterday after calling KPN. After that, there was 2 disruption in short moment which I felt like the modem was upgrading the firmware. I did not check the logs to see what it was doing but the technician before also told me that modem might drop because it needs to do sort of first time upgrade. I don’t really know if their recent firmware has issue. I am still monitoring its performance, no drop so far. 

Ok thats good to know, I'll will also try reset the router hopefully it work for me too 

Update on this topic:

After the first call, it dropped again. I called KPN and got instruction that I need to factory reset and setup the mesh modules. I did and it went ok for a few days. The guy said if it happens again, I can call and they will arrange a technician and new modem for me.

It got dropped again this morning. Call for the third time. However, after doing all of the check and reset which are exactly the same to last two previously calls, now I got different answer that they will send technician to my place and I have to pay 70 Euro. 


This is not helpful at all. The explanation for this is because nothing is found wrong in their domain. 

@Peter1712 How is it going with you if I can ask?

For me it works fine since the last factory default and stable again, no more drops so far

For me it works fine since the last factory default and stable again, no more drops so far

Ah, that’s nice. May I ask if you also have a mesh system?

No I doesn't use a mesh network because I live in a small flat, so de wifi  is strong enough  for the complete living space 

No I doesn't use a mesh network because I live in a small flat, so de wifi  is strong enough  for the complete living space 

Maybe this difference tells something. Thanks a lot 

Hi there,

If the issue persists try changing the DNS settings on your router or device to Cloudflare or Google and make sure to regularly have the router select the best channel availability for your signal. 

It could also be caused by the fiber itself however as they checked it that is highly unlikely. 

Another update to this topic:

It dropped twice today: one in the morning and one in the evening. I can only capture the log in the evening since only my girlfriend was at home in the morning and she was busy to record the timestamp. 


Anyway, this is what I found in the log:

Seems like it runs into the error Connection has been terminated: remote station is not answering to LCP Echo requests, which eventually forces the internet connection to be terminated.


Also, I found the similar topic with similar symptom in this forum Connection has been terminated: remote station is not answering to LCP Echo requests | KPN Community. I notice that this seems to happen if I use the network a bit more intensive than usual like turn on camera during meeting call, download a game, etc. But still, they are just usual things and not that intensive to make my connection terminated (should not be in any case. It’s more understandable if it’s slower a bit). 

From the topic I link above, the ultimate problem is the bad connector from one of the cable. The cable to WAN port is freshly new from KPN box. The cable to one of SuperWifi mesh module is also freshly from KPN box. Only the cable to my router is old but the issue already happened before I used my router and that cable. 


I have no choice but again to monitor and try out multiple combination (no router - only mesh, no mesh - only router and only modem). But I’m kinda clueless now. To be honest, I don’t really want to call again to service centre to have a reaction: “I have done all reset with you. 70 euro for mechanic to come or that’s it”  

Hi @Dung Chau! Great that you’ve monitored the timestamps, that's good information to have. 

If the connection completely dropped then I should be able to see this in your connection as well, so could you fill out your forum profile and give me a heads-up here when you’ve done so? 
Then I can analyse your connection and see what comes up. 

I'm also curious if only the WiFi connection drops, or if the cabled connection drops as well when this happens. Do you have any devices that are directly connected to your router that you could test or see this on?

Hi Sanne,

Thanks for your reaction!

I called KPN this morning after it dropped again. The engineer found indeed there is too much disruption in my connection, which is not normal according to him. The solution we have taken so far is to swap to a new modem, which I will collect tomorrow. If this remedy still cannot fix the issue, I will come back here to your form.

When it happens, it drops for both Wifi and wired connection. I have one router which connects to my PC. So, when it happens, I can see that my PC is disconnected with no internet. At the same time, I check the wifi connection (on my phone and laptop) which still connects to Wifi but complains that there is no internet. You know, like when you look at your Wifi status on your phone and you can see it connect to network but with a exclamation(!) mark symbol indicating the wifi is still there, but just no internet. 

Great! Glad you called and glad your router is getting swapped. Hopefully that solves the issue. If not then yes, please let me know here! 

Check, good to know that both connections drop. Then there definitely seems to be something wrong on our end, especially since the mechanic saw some issues as well with the connection. 
I hope the new router will solve it and will wait for the results!