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I have an Experia Box 12. The subscription (as per an email received and an invoice) is active. Following the installation instructions given, the internet dot does not stop blinking (we have even kept it on for an hour to see if it was a time issue). 


Furthermore, we have even followed the instructions given to fix it: turning it off and on again, checking the cables and even doing a factory resetting with a little pin.


At this point, I have no clue what could be done to fix the issue.

Welcome to the KPN forum @tomportolano! Do your internet services work at the moment? A blinking light isn't always a reason to worry. Like an indicater on a car, sometimes a light not being on all the time means it works just fine. While the internet light is supposed to stay on, if it flickers ever now and then that's okay as long as services work. 

If the internet doesn't work, would you let me know what port you plugged the cable in that comes from the wall? And if you are connected on a copper or fiber network?