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I needed to order internet service for a new house. The customer service screw up twice(!) my details for a contract. It took 5 phone calls to even verify the order! 


And now, when I finally got the modem and installed it, it does NOT work! They had to create a ticket and were not able to provide any information even if this is gonna be fixed.  My name stayed incorrect and they always asked to call back in few hours and I got no solution.

I did my fare amount of time in customer service so I have a lot of understanding. But this is beyond imagination. I have never gotten even an apology. 


Admin: titel adjusted for clarification

Hi @aneta, welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear your connection isn't functional yet. I'd like to look into this. Would you please fill our your forumprofile and reply here when you've done so. We can then take a look.


@aneta Thank you for updating your profile. I can see my colleague created a ticket for this issue already. Unfortunately, you haven't had a call from us yet. It seems like the connection should work but that isn't true. 
Could you maybe give the modem a hard reset for me? 
How do the lights(colors) on the modem light up? 

No it isnt.

In front, rhe color first goes green and then red afterwards. Your colleague already asked about it. 


I just need to get it fixed asap, I have to work from home

Understood. I really get that this is a major inconvenience, please bare with us while our technicians get a chance to solve this. The support ticket has been received! 

it has been picked up after 3 days, cool... I need somebody action on  it. Words wont fix the problem!

It hasn't been picked up after 3 days: the ticket was produced on the 26th of March. It is now weekend and not everyone is here. You should get an update next week. I am sorry there is nothing we can do at this moment. 

26.3, 27.3, 28.3, 29.3... 

it is not really clear for me if any action has been done when no update and no new information

Please bear in mind that i had 11 phone calls with KPN!

The first 6 - 8 of them to just get my order placed. Repeatedly wrong details despite the fact that I asked to check and verify. 

And when I get the modem, it does not work. 

So please understand that this not easy situation for me. 

I really do understand! Unfortunately, especially now with the Corona virus, we cannot do as much as we would like. Our hands are kind of tied at this moment. The colleagues who can look into this problem, are the ones that respond to the ticket. So the only thing we can do now, is wait some more.. If you haven't heard from them tomorrow afternoon, please let us know. 

any updates? 

I'm sad to say, no yet.  

I hope you wil be contacted today or tomorow.

@Erwin_  NO Tomorrow! I really can not wait
There was a call for 10s! seconds from +31 55 539 5454. I can not reach anybody when calling back. Does this phone number belong to you?

I can't be sure, @aneta . If that was them they wil try to contacts you multiple times. 

For your information ( and I know this is not the news you want but I want to be as clearly about this as I can to prevent disappoinment )

The respond time is 3 WORK days. So tuesday falls within this range as weekends don't count.

@Erwin_  I dont understand how you guys work. Left hand does not know what the right one does

The message from your colleague yesterday was following:
 If you haven't heard from them tomorrow afternoon, please let us know. 

Wanna tell me that this is pointless? Reason why I am even writing here is that on the phone your colleagues keeps giving different info.


I am messaging because that gives transparency what you guys say. If you would be in my situation, I guarantee that you would be pissed as I am.

The only right answer is: It may take three workdays before the backoffice will respond. I hope this clears it up.

your tickets was received: 26-03-2020 20:55

so friday, monday and tuesday are the possible days we will contact you.

If you haven't heard from them beyond tuesday we can try and contact them. Also keep in mind we are living in strange, uncertain times due to corona. 

Of course I understand you are in need of working services but  I can't speed up this proces. 


@aneta : Does someone in your household have a mobile number from KPN? (in this case I can add some free data)

since 26.3.2020 20:55 have used 7GB data and it keeps growing with working at home using data. Unfortunately we do not have KPN mobile number but thank you for the offer. 

But see, 15GB of data costs me 30 EUROS. 

So how your company can compensate when you can't provide the service? Because I just got confirmation that the issue is on your side and nothing is wrong with our house. 


And for that faulty service, you wanna charge me 25 EUR for administration cost + 25 eur for each month (6 months discount) and 50 euros per month afterwards. 

How can you compensate my costs when you charge so much when not delivering?

there is still no contact, is somebody going to finally tried to reach out??

Hi aneta, I see that you've made an appointment with an engineer, the 2nd of April. Do you recognize this? Regarding the compensation; we will get back to you on that. I'm confident that we'll reach an agreement, so no worries there. Our priority is to connect you asap.  

@aneta I am wondering whether the engineer was able to solve to issue and provide you with a working connection? :construction_worker:

@Alex_P Hi Alex, i recognize the appointment because  I called later that day. The Operator on the phone first of all told me, that no 3 working days rules don't exist and that somebody will call me in April (without any other specification). I mentioned that I have proof of those 3 working days and that I will sue KPN so I got the appointment. 


The technician was very nice and fixed the issue. He confirmed issue on your side with network. I spent 30 euros on data + being treated the way by your colleagues is horrific experience.


So I am asking for the compensation now. 

I am still waiting! Care to response?? 

Hi aneta, my apologies for the late reply. It's a bit chaotic at the moment. 

Could you please forward that bill to me regarding the compensation of the data? I've sent you a private message. 

I am still awaiting  for the reimbursement

Hi Aneta, I've processed the ammount. You should receive it within 10 days.