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Bonjour ,


Je cherche désespérément comment contacter le service client kpn. Mon Internet s'arrête de façon aléatoire et j'ai besoin d'une connexion stable pour les vidéoconférences.


Merci d'avance,




I'm sorry, I can't help you in French. So my reply will be in English. I read that your internet connection is unstable, and that you need a good connection for video conference calls. I will do my best to improve your connection. Are you by any chance connected to a wifi network? If that's the case, please follow our ‘Wifi Manager’ untill it comes with a conclusion. We offer free solutions if you don't get a higer result of 20 Mbit/s after the improvements of the Wifi Manager.

With the Wifi Manager you can improve your wifi, and if that can't be done on a distance. Free wired Wifi repeaters or a free wifi mechanic will be offered. The steps are in Dutch, so I hope you have someone around you to help you out if you can't understand it yourself.

Good Luck with these steps. If you need any further assistance, please let me know.
