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My internet is not working since yesterday morning. I have unplugged the fibre box and modem as suggested and still nothing. Lights on the fibre box are green and lights on the modem are green with only the internet light flashing green. Phoning customer support is problematic due to my level of speaking dutch not being on par.

Profile has been updated.

Please assist.

I have also reset the modem, but still no internet.

Hi @plagrange, welcome! This is a problem that is not well suited to this platform. It needs additional troubleshooting as to the specific lights and cables and so on. To do that here takes a fair amount of time. So, I would advise you to call us for this (0800-0402, free, open 24/7 for technical malfunctions).

It's ok to speak English when calling us. Just say your internet isn't working, and wait out whatever it is our voice system tells you. At the end of it, you'll end up in the queue to speak to one of our agents. The agent will check things with you and can then send a technician or raise a technical ticket. 

Hello @Erik_ 

You say that the customer service 0800-0402 is open 24/7 for technical malfunctions, but that is not true. 
They are only open in during weekdays until 20:00 and Saturday until 17:00.
“Je kan ons bellen van maandag tot en met vrijdag tussen 08:00 en 20:00 uur. Op zaterdag zijn we bereikbaar van 08:00 tot 17:00 uur.”

Please correct your message.

For technical problems, we are open 24/7.

For other things, for example, making changes in your package, or administrative changes, we maintain the hours you mentioned. 

Hallo @Erik van KPN

Zou je me kunnen vertellen hoe precies dan jullie op 0800-0402 voor technische issues 24/7 open zijn? Terwijl ik toch duidelijk hoorde via het menu dat voor technische issues de voornoemde openingstijden gelden.

Of bedoel je met technische support de robotstem die aangeeft dat hij op afstand je router kan resetten? En beweert dat hiermee de storing direct verholpen is met quote: "Echt waar!" En daarna de verbinding verbreekt? Wat trouwens onzin is want ik stond erbij toen dit gebeurde en de modem werd niet gereset. Maar bedankt voor de info, dan ga ik het vanavond na 20:00 even checken.