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I have had a very stable Internet connection from KPN for a month now, but now from early morning today, the Internet keeps disconnecting with pppoe down message on my router. It comes back up after a couple of minutes, but it’s not ideal 🙂 I have already tried changing the LAN cables. From a bit of reading around on this forum, it seems it could also be an issue of line quality? Could someone please help get this checked? My details are in my profile.


This is today.

Hey @kalpik, welcome! I've checked your line and I'm seeing some disconnects on the 30th. But no more since. Has the problem resolved itself?

Hello @Erik_,

Indeed. Haven’t had disconnects after that day. But this has happened a couple of times before as well. So the line would disconnect quite often, and then it won’t happen for days/months, until it happens again. So was wondering if it’s the line quality somehow.


In fact, I *just* had a pppoe disconnect.


I'm seeing them, @kalpik. You have a fiber connection, when these drops happen, are you also seeing a change in lights on your fiber unit?

Please disconnect the fiber unit from power and keep it like that for two minutes. This will force your entire line to reconnect (versus just your router when you reset that). Often we see this solves the problem. 

If not, let me know. We'll look into this further.

Alright @Erik_ , I have just disconnected the power to the NTU for 5 minutes, and re-connected. I will keep an eye on it. In case I see disconnects again, I will post again on this topic. Thanks for your help!

Hello @Erik_ ,

Unfortunately that didn't help. Just got a disconnect right now. I hope you can look further!



Sorry to hear it didn't help, @kalpik :( Then I recommend to contact us by phone at 0800-0402 (free number). Do so when you are experiencing a disconnect. My colleague can then act on the disconnect immediately. I suspect it will end in either a new router, or a technician's appointment. 

Thanks @Erik_ 

I just had a disconnect, and called the number. After being on hold for 15 minutes, I got through to someone, but they weren't that helpful. They asked me to reconnect the Experiabox and  see if the disconnects happen. I've tried that before, and I do get disconnects with the Experiabox as well. Also, I don't want to have Experiabox in between as I don't want double NAT. Not sure how I'm going to get this resolved, but it's really annoying to have these disconnects, specially when I'm on an office call. This was a house that was very recently connected to the fiber network, and I was super excited to be on the latest technology, but its looking like my previous provider with the older technology was 100% stable.

I'm getting disconnects with the Experiabox as well. Screenshot attached.


More disconnects.


Hey @kalpik, I've been quiet for a bit as I saw there was a technical ticket created for you. When I now check that ticket, I see it has last been updated on the 12th. It mentions you would test with a different power supply for 24 hours. And that you would make contact again if the problem persisted after these tests. I see no further contact. Does that mean the problem has been resolved?

Hey @kalpik, I've been quiet for a bit as I saw there was a technical ticket created for you. When I now check that ticket, I see it has last been updated on the 12th. It mentions you would test with a different power supply for 24 hours. And that you would make contact again if the problem persisted after these tests. I see no further contact. Does that mean the problem has been resolved?


Hello @Erik_ 

I hadn’t replied since I was away for the past couple of days on easter vacation :)

But indeed, I see no drops since changing the power adapter. Seems this is now resolved. If I notice issues again, I will post back here. Thanks for your help!

Excellent, good to hear!

Hello @Erik_ 

I have bad news. I am still facing disconnects. The ONT was also changed, but that didn’t help. Not sure now what can be done to resolve this :(

I'm sorry to hear that, @kalpik. We'll need to do some futher investigating, then. Quickest way to get that sorted is calling again so the colleague can quickly run through the basic steps with you (since they've already been done) and make a new ticket. I see that you have done so, and that there is a new ticket. It is unclear to me, though, from the ticket, what the current status is. I see something about a technician, but can't tell if that is the one that was there previously, or a new one. 

Hello @Erik_ the mechanic was for replacing the ONT, which didn’t really help. What of course doesn’t help is that the problem is completely random now. The connection could work fine even for 4-5 days, and then I’ll get like 9-10 disconnects on the 6th day. So not sure how to get this tracked, as you colleague told me he would monitor the connection for the nest 3 days, which have passed, and I didn’t get any disconnects during that time.

Hello @Erik_ , I just had a disconnect, and tried to reach the back office with the ticket number I had, but it said the ticket number is invalid. Do you know how I can reach the back office? They were still monitoring my line as per our last conversation, so the ticket should have been open.


Okay, so I got in touch with the back office, and they will send a mechanic again. Not sure he will find anything though, the previous one didn’t find anything.

Good to hear, @kalpik. I will keep an eye on things here, as well. But, as long as there is an open ticket, you should always contact the back office through the number and code given to you. As, as long as the ticket is open, they are the only ones who can actively help.

After multiple technician visits, nothing has changed. Today a “level 2” technician came, and first said it could be because of my switch. Why should it be my switch when it’s the modem that gets disconnected and my switch is *behind* the modem? When I pushed more that it cannot be my switch, he just polished the fiber again, and said he’ll make a ticket for line monitoring. I don’t know what that will achieve, as I can see myself that the line gets disconnected. I’ve almost exhausted my patience now. I don’t know what to do, but doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity as they say. I am quite convinced now that the problem is not at my house, but at the POP or DSLAM. I just don’t know how to get KPN to care enough to look in that direction, instead of just polishing the fiber, replacing NTU/Modem, and blaming my switch.

I see the note from the technician, indeed, @kalpik. What switch is this (brand and type)? It's not a factor I'd jump to right away. As, indeed, the drops occur before. But there might be some weirdness. Is it possible for you to test for a day or two without the switch?

Other question: has your Experia Box ever been replaced? Either for the same type or for a different one?

I see the note from the technician, indeed, @kalpik. What switch is this (brand and type)? It's not a factor I'd jump to right away. As, indeed, the drops occur before. But there might be some weirdness. Is it possible for you to test for a day or two without the switch?

Other question: has your Experia Box ever been replaced? Either for the same type or for a different one?

This is the switch I have:

It’s not possible for me to test without the switch, as all my access points are connected via the PoE switch. I also can guarantee you it’s not the switch. I had Ziggo before, and didn’t have any drops in over a year. Also, as you said, the drops happen on the Experiabox itself.

The experiabox was changed from a V12 to a V10, but that hasn’t helped.

@wjb, wil jij eens meedenken hier? Ik kom een beetje aan het einde van m'n kennis.  

@kalpik, I've asked one of our technical minded forum users, wjb, to think along. All the checks and tests that I can do on your connection and line say that everything's normal, except for one that says interruptions were detected. But it can't tell me what kind of interruptions or how many. And as such I can't adequately determine if those are problematic ones, or if it just detecting a reboot or reset.

Important point: the technical ticket is still open. These generally remain open for about a week after we do something. In this case the most recent technician's visit. You should have received a text or e-mail with a phone number and a pin code. With that you can directly connect to the back office team that is handling the ticket. So, besides whatever ideas wjb might have, you can call to report that it is still not working.