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Hello friends! I’m starting my internet contract with KPN in a month but have a question on the connection. Currently my landlord provides the internet, and the connector is simply an Ethernet socket, not like anything presented in the installation guide. So I wonder if it will work with the KPN modem or do I will have to change the connector?

Thanks in advance and wish y’all a happy new year!



Hello @Will_L see the photo with the usual IS/RA-points:



Happy new year @Will_L! Where does the ethernet-socket end up? There must be a similar IS/RA point (see the picture of the previous reply from JanD) in your home. 

We haven't seen a reply from you ever since you opened this topic. Therefore I assume that you don't need our help here anymore. If you do! Please let us know. :blush:

Hi Lisa, Thanks for your reply. I tried to find the connector but couldn’t. Not in my living room nor in the meters cupboard.. I asked the landlord but hasn’t get any answer yet. But I did see some cables going through the meter cupboard. I heard that there could be one connector for several households. Could that be the case? Not sure what I should do now:P

Hi @Will_L! Welcome back:blush:. Yes, that is possible but depends on the type of home you live in. Do you and your flat/house/roommates have their own front door? Also, do you all have your own address?
Last two questions. When will your contract starts? It might be most convenient for you to order a mechanic. Could you please enter your (contract)details in your profile and let us know when you updated it? 
Zipcode, house number, customer number (see the contract) is all I need! 

Hi @Lisa ! I’m living in a studio with my own address. The contract starts end of Feb so plenty of time:) I have updated the profile. How do I arrange with the mechanic? Thanks a lot!!

Thank you for your details! Your contract starts on 26-02-2021. We have plenty of time to schedule a mechanic together. Shall I try to schedule it for Friday 26-02-2020? What time-schedule do you prefer? 

The mechanic will come within the two timeslots. F.e. if you choose 0800-1000H, the mechanic might ring your doorbell at 1000H. It will take him approximately 30-45 minutes to install everything. 

One more thing. You didn't yet receive the installation package, did you?  

*EDIT: Changed day! Tuesday > Friday

1200-1400H would be good! And I haven’t received the package yet.

Hi @Will_L! I'm sorry. 26-02-2020 is on a Friday and not a Tuesday. It appears that we recently changed our available timeslots. Therefore 1200-1400H doesn't seem to be an option anymore.  I scheduled the mechanic for timeslot 13:00 - 15:00H. 

If this doesn't suit your schedule. We can always reschedule. Just let me know in a reply and i'll change it for you! 

FYI, you will receive the details of the appointment by e-mail:blush:

No worries that is also fine! And I’ve got the appointment mail already. Thanks a lot!!

Your welcome! You know where to find me, if you run into any difficulties:v:

Hi @Lisa ! I need some help again:joy: Due to some miscommunication I'm out of internet right now, so I want to change the time of my ordered subscription and the installation technician to as soon as possible. I couldn't find the place to do it on the website so I'm here to look for you:pray: Can you help me manage that? Thank you so much!

I'm sorry @Will_L! I wasn't working the last two days:disappointed_relieved: . I just saw that you already contacted my colleague. I can't do anything for you at this point. You don't have a mobile subscription of KPN, right? 

No worries! Yes I tried to call. And I have managed internet till end of this month, so it’s fine to wait as planned now. Thanks anyways!