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My router lost connection two days ago and the internet is not working since. The test shows that everything is ok at my postal code. I tried everything from resetting router to connecting dsl cable directly from kpn box in my utility closet. And I can’t book a technician since the outbreak is still ongoing.

Is there anything else I can do, or am I stuck with no internet now?

Don't worry, @Sinapsi, we're not going to leave you hanging.  What happens, in terms of which lights and what colours, on your router? Please, also, fill in your forum profile and reply here when you’ve done so, so we can take a look at this. 

So, when I reboot it. It’s green at first then blinks blue for some time and then switches to red. The local network works no problem but there is no connection on WAN side


Thank you for leaving your details. Have you restarted or reset your Experiabox? Insert a pen or other pointed object into the "Reset" hole on the back of the modem and check if the cable in the dsl port is properly connected to your network connection point.

Yep, I already reset it. And reseated every cable 


If a reset doesn't fix the problem either, then I will forward it to an underlying department. A mechanic will visit your home or contact you by phone. Would you like to indicate which day suits you best?

Basically as soon as possible :relaxed: I can be home this friday, or any day next week

@Sinapsi Would Saturday fit? In the afternoon? If not Tuesday would be the next option. 


Yes, Saturday will be perfect :relaxed:

Saturday between 12 and 14 hr. it is. :relaxed: 

I see here, Sinapsi, that the technician fixed this, Saturday. Turns out there was a problem in the street cabinet.

yep, thanks for the quick response guys :relaxed: