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My Internet is not working for more than 5 hours. No help from customer service as they are saying that problem is local to my house. Engineer available after 3 days. I work from home all the time and with school holidays, family can’t do anything without internet. No netflix or youtube. 

Who can help to get this problem fixed earlier ?




This is very poor customer service  that I’ve to wait for 3 days for engineer to come. 

@AshishMangla Welcome to our forum. 

I am sorry to read that you have problems with your internet, when something is broken (in your house or in our "server building") a mechanic is normally needed. 

It sometimes can take a while before a mechanic is available, in the meanwhile sometimes it is possible to add data to your mobile subscription. 

Did the mechanic already resolve the situation?

Hi @Rutger_ 

Thanks for your response. Mechanic came on Saturday (23/7). He changed the black fibre box but did not solve the problem. He did not have access to closet (kast) on the street and he said that network person will call on Monday (today, 25/7). So far, I’ve not received any call and I am still without internet. 

Kindly provide emergency hotspot internet to me till it is fixed. It is shame that no one is taking ownership of this and I came to know that there are other houses (Max Havelaarlaan, 281, 251
175, 89) which are having same issue.  

@AshishMangla Could you fill in your forum profile and let me know when you did? 

Then I will check what I can do for you! 

@Rutger_ I’ve updated the profile with required details. My internet is still not working for last 6 days. Please help. 

FYI : Two more house 17 and 19 on my street are having same issue. 

@AshishMangla I see that you already had contact with my colleague and that a "noodpakket" is on the way. 

You can use this untill the home connection is restored, as far as I can see it should be deliverd at a "PostNL punt" confirmed to you already. 

Hello @Rutger_ 

Yes, I received the emergency packet. I got a call from KPN yesterday stating that person from KPN network is on vacation and My internet can’t be fixed for atleast 14 days.. It is really sad that customer is suffering. Is it really the case ? If doctor is on holiday, will hospital let the patient die….

It is shame that I am paying in full and now using emergency packet for 2 weeks and you kept me without internet for 1 week.. I am frustrated that I switched to KPN… Shame on KPN