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I’ve have moved recently to a house with glass fiber and my KPN contract has been moved as well. Since connecting my internet (using V10) and adding KPN “verstekkers” I experience ongoing problem with internet connection which drops off regularly. On some days it’s happens more than on other days (every 20 minutes to every hour or so).  This situation is unacceptable.  The KPN website offers no solution as I don't want to make my Wi-Fi stronger. I want it stable, especially since I work from home and throughout the day I attend multiple tele-conferences. Being disconnected form about 2-5 minutes is far from ideal. I have tried unsuccessfully your service tool and i ‘ve reset the expiera box. Can you please solve my problem please? 

Hello, is there any chance of getting any help with this persisting and annoying problem? 

Hello @Maggie09, welcome to our forum.

I understand you're experiencing issues with a unstable connection. I have ran some tests on your connection and do indeed notice an unstable connection. Could you check the following for me:

  • Is the cable between the FTU and the Experia Box connected properly? You can disconnect this cable and plug it back in for good measure.
  • Have you restarted the FTU already? If not, I'd advise you to do this.
  • When you have restarted the FTU, I'd like to ask you to reset the Experia Box. You can do this by using a paperclip or any other sharp object to push the small reset button at the back of the Experia Box or by logging in on MijnKPN.

I hope to hear from you soon.