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Dear KPN,

We recently changed an e-mail address in Mijn KPN account.
However, the e-mail invoice still go to the previous e-mail which is not what we want.
I looked all over in my account setting both on website and mobile app but I can’t find an option to update this information.

Could you please update the e-mail to the current e-mail in our account please.

Thank you very much

Hi @Onze_huis, welcome to our forum! 
Your billing e-mail adress can be different from your regular contact e-mail adress. Did you change both in your MijnKPN?
If it's correct there it can take up to a month or two for our back-end to catch up.

If the mails keep going to your old adress or you can't change the adress you can also call us on 0800-0402 to have it checked/changed