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Hi KPN! Today I've moved my connection to my new home, and when I connected the KPN Box 12 to the Genexis FTU, i noticed my public IP address has changed and the download speed is VERY variable now. First run 200mb, second run 450…. never hits the max. In my apprevious address, I always got 940/940 in all my runs using a wired connection…

Could you please check what happened and tell why my IP is not the one I've received on my welcome email?

Thanks in advance!!

Hello @furfix, thanks for your message and welcome to our Community!

When using a wired connection you should get the right speed. Has anything changed these past days or is the speed still not enough? About the IP address; we use dynamic IP addresses so this can actually change. I have to admit honestly this doesn't happen very often but it definitely can happen. My guess is that the fact that you moved to another address might have something to do with this. 
