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I have a 50mb internet contract with kpn from a year.  From the beginning they give me 20mb and I have to pay as much as 50mb.  I called kpn,  kpn sent me a link to the wifi settings as if it would change something. I was told I would not pay anything and I got another bill yesterday for 42E?!. Why do I pay 2x as much as others? Why did kpn lie to me that I can have faster internet year ago ?  How can I recover my money stolen by the kpn, and how to change the contract?


*Admin: titel aangevuld i.v.m. vindbaarheid

Hello @biosqn I'm sorry to read that you feel disadvantaged, but robbing is illegal and punishable by law. I therefore doubt that we rob you of anything ;-) 

Your problem seems to be that you have slow internet. Could you elaborate? Is this strictly wifi or is also slow when you use a cable connection? And could you also tell me what you mean with paying too much? You pay the monthly costs which are described in your contract. 

And, if you want me to check your connection I'll need some personal information. Could you update your KPN Forum Profiel your name, postal code, house number, mobile number and your custumer number? You personal information is only visible for your self and me as a KPN Moderator there. 

Hello @biosqn I haven't seen a reply from you here. You might have found help and answers through our custumerservice? If there's still something you need help with, just let me know. 

What do you call paying for something you don't get? Before I signed the contract, kpn employees and the installer assured me that I could have faster internet. That's why I signed the contract! Before signing I had the same speed for less. I pay for 50mb and kpn provides me 15-20mb from the beginning. I have a problem with cable internet because I don't get what I pay for. After over a year, I find out that I couldn't have had faster internet. I called kpn but the person I talked to did nothing. That's why I write in the forum. I am updating the data in a moment.

Hey @biosqn Let me explain some things. The internetspeed we can provide you with depends on a number of things. Most important: the speed we are able to provide you with. On your adress we can deliver about 30 Mbit/s and this is what reaches your Experia Box too. (I took a quick look, since you filled in your Forum Profiel)  Since the speed we can deliver depends on your adress, we inform you about the attainable speeds before the start of your contract. We inform you on our website, when you enther you adress and we'll put it in the order confirmation. So the speeds mentioned in our subscriptions are maximum speeds, depending on the attainable speed: they are not the speeds you guaranteed to get. 

Also good to know: we’re talking about a cabled connection here. If you rely on wifi, your connection might be less stable and you'll probably won't reach the maximum speed. You wrote that you get between 15 and 20 Mbit/s, which seems quite reasonable if you use wifi and considering the maximum speed on your adress. Have you used our wifi manager, to optimalize your wifi connection? 

You write that somebody told you the internetspeed would go up, when you signed the contract? Could you tell me somehting more? Perhaps there was a scheduled upgrade of the netwerk in your area, which eventualy didn't came through? 




I Writing here feels like I'm being treated like a fool! stop treating me like someone who has no idea about the internet. I had 20 mb internet connection… I contacted kpn and they told me I could have 50. only the fitter must come to me to connect the two lines together. He came and said I would have 50mb. Your company and your employees lied to me after a year and a half, I have 20mb not 50mb. I have the same intertnet as before, but I pay more. I'm using a cable not wifi! No one has told me anything that I can't have faster internet. So why are you taking more from me since you haven't given me 50mb from the beginning and you could never give me? When will I pay less? Why i pay more Why no one contacts me, does not help solve the problem but some dodges? I write the book once. At the beginning of the contract, KPN does not provide what is necessary! ! From your answer, I conclude that you don't want to solve the problem, just pretend it's my fault! This is what companies of this type do ... First, KPN makes mistakes and its employees, and then you claim that it is my fault. This is kpn's fault because from the beginning you claimed that I could have a faster Internet /. Check the conversations of your employees with me ... I do not write in my language so it is hard for me to explain the situation. Maybe someone would finally contact me about this matter. HOW do you explain to me why I should pay more for internet that has never been faster? I still use it and inflated bills come ... Will you do something about it? I lose money and don't get what I should from you. One and a half years is many months ... Why should I be lossy? After checking with kpn speed tester I have less than even the contract said before!!!  

I used the wifi manager but that's not a problem.

The problem is that I don't get what I pay for from the beginning of the contract!!! I still get high bills! That is why I still think that kpn is robbing me! Nobody wants to help me! How long should I pay high bills?

It's your fault, not mine, so fix it now

You write that somebody told you the internetspeed would go up, when you signed the contract? Could you tell me somehting more? Perhaps there was a scheduled upgrade of the netwerk in your area, which eventualy didn't came through? 

I was at a kpn point, there I was told that I could have a better internet from 20mb to 50mb, that's why I signed the contract. Later, kpn fitter was at my house to connect two lines together, he claimed the same that if he joined them there would be 50mb. To this day, however, there is no difference. I lost a lot of time, I still lose and time is is clear that the kpn made a mistake by signing a contract with me for something that he could not provide from the beginning


The kpn point in delft therefore misleads people.

why should I be responsible for the mistakes of employees from kpn?

If I understand you correctly, the mechanic was at your house to install pair-bonding. So you can use two phone lines in parallel to get double speed.  And it sounds like this is not working.

Are both lines connected to your ExperiaBox?

If you login to the Experia Box, what is shown on the DSL status page? Are both lines up?

That's exactly how it was. Both dsl cables are connected to the modem and the speed has not increased since the beginning until now.  After logging in to the Experia modem I can see that line 0 and line 1 are connected. I think it works like two separate lines for me

Hi @biosqn, @Bart_ is on holiday at the moment, so I'll take it from here :slight_smile:

I'm very sorry to hear you are so unhappy with your KPN subscription and I'll try to get to the bottom of this situation so we both will understand what's going on. 

First, your connection has had a 50Mb max speed for a long time. We don't have a subscription with less than 50Mb as a max internet speed. Your current contract started on 28-08-2018 and has not been changed since. You've always had a ‘internet’ subscription since then and this subscription includes 50Mb IF this is possible at your address. If 50Mb is not possible at your address that's unfortunate, but this doesn't make the subscription any cheaper. You've paid the same price for this subscription since the start, I don't see any new contracts where you suddenly had to pay more. The price of your subscription has gone up from €41,50 tot €42,50 due to the general price change of all our subscriptions in June 2019, and it has gone up again due to the general price change of some of our subscriptions in June 2020. You don't pay twice as much as others.

At this moment, you're receiving 26Mb's; Line 1: 12Mb and Line 2: 14Mb. Before you were connected to pairbonding, you would have had a max speed of 14 to 15Mb's, so you've gained about 11 to 12Mb's f internet speed by switching to pairbonding. I can't see any higher speeds being available at your address, but I can only see the current situation. Since 2 separate colleagues (at the store and the mechanic) have told you that 50Mb's would be available, it's possible that our technical systems really did show an ‘expected’ max speed of 50Mb's at that moment. It happens sometimes, that a speed profile has to be lowered in order to stay stable. It's no use to have a high speed, when your line keeps disconnecting. In that case, we choose stability over speed. 

Your current speed is the max, we don't have the possibility to increase the speed at this moment. You're paying the right price for the ‘internet’ subscription, so there's nothing we can do about the price as well. Of course I hope there will be an upgrade in the nearby future that makes it possible to receive a higher internet speed!



I understand your answer but now I feel lied by the kpn workers. If they told me from the beginning that the kpn could not provide me with such internet, I would not change the contract to a more expensive one staying at a cheaper price. Before this contract I had another one with kpn! for what i remember 20/25mb I paid 25euro later  32e, Now i have the same speed but I pay 43 euros . The speed has not increased the price yes.  I only changed to more expensive because it was supposed to be 2x faster and not the same. how could I be satisfied? The only change that has occurred is the modem change.  maybe it's time to get back to the price from the earlier contract ± inflation? 36E...  I didn't want two lines but faster internet, now i know i cannot have after one and half year. I understand that kpn has such an offer but maybe it's time to take one step back. If kpn worker hadn't misled me, today I wouldn't be writing here. I don't want something that is not due to me. I would like to be treated fairly. when I was renting this house, the address here was different than today. Before it was 7A and now it's 7C maybe that's why you don't see other contracts, I signed more than two with KPN becouse i am from 2012 a customer.

 when I was renting this house, the address here was different than today. Before it was 7A and now it's 7C maybe that's why you don't see other contracts, I signed more than two with KPN becouse i am from 2012 a customer.

In 2012, we had very different subscriptions, since the maximum attainable internet speeds were a lot lower at the time. The cheapest/slowest subscription we've had, ‘internet instap’, used to be 8Mb in 2012 and changed to 20Mb, then to 40Mb en eventually to 50Mb some time later. The speed increased, and so did the prices of our subscriptions. Your old ‘internet instap’ subscription costs €44,- today, so if you wouldn't have switched to a newer subscription, you would be paying even more then you're paying now :wink: 

it's possible that our technical systems really did show an ‘expected’ max speed of 50Mb's at that moment. It happens sometimes, that a speed profile has to be lowered in order to stay stable. It's no use to have a high speed, when your line keeps disconnecting. In that case, we choose stability over speed. 

I'm sure my colleagues did not intent to lie to you, lying to customers doesn't achieve us anything positive. 

Maja_ it's nice that you are defending your colleagues but you don't know your colleague's intentions, not everyone does their job properly.

If I hadn't changed the speed to 50, I would be paying 35E today. 2 kpn employees said that I could have more than 20m in this adress. I signed the contract and I can't download as much as I should from the beginning. I buy a product and don't get what I pay for. One of the companies on the market sells 20mb for 30e... During this conversation I learned that the speed could never increase in the place where I live and your company knew it from the beginning.  If I knew that there would be no changes, I would not exchange old contract for a more expensive one. because what for, to pay more? I am surprised that such a big company can not resolve this easy case so that the two sides were satisfied. From what I can see I'm wasting my time.


Maja_ it's nice that you are defending your colleagues but you don't know your colleague's intentions, not everyone does their job properly.

You're right, I don't know my colleagues intentions but since the colleagues that told you 50Mb would be attainable both work at very different departments and work with very different systems, I really do believe that a speed of 50Mb’s was expected to be possible at the time, according to our technical ánd sales systems. Especially a mechanic/fitter, has nothing to gain by telling you something different then the truth about the ‘expected maximum attainable speed’ he sees for your address. There are multiple reasons as to why this speed is not actually available now, like a township revoking a permit so a planned upgrade of the infrastructure had to be cancelled, or the situation I explained before where the speed was actually upgraded, but the line proved to be unstable so they had to cut the speed in order to maintain the stability. 

If I hadn't changed the speed to 50, I would be paying 35E today.

Nope, you would be paying €44,-, since that is the current price of your previous subscription. The price of this subscription has changed over the years and your current subscription is a bit cheaper. So you're better of as it is, price-wise. 

I can't change anything about what's happened in the past, I can't increase the speed at your address and I can't change anything about the price of your subscription. I hope I did explain it properly so you can understand this now.
