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the worst internet, I pay the abonnement for 500+ mbs, and for fu**** 2 weeks the internet speed is so low between 2 and 24 mbs… and the upload is 2 or 10! This is not normal! trying to contact kpn service for few weeks. Finally some come to our house he is looking few minutes on his laptop and first thing he say I cannot do nothing a specialist need to come, and I say ok when he come because this shit is already for weeks and im not pleased about it, and of course he answers is maybe tomorrow but im not sure if not maybe next week or after... wtf is this? I neeed to wait months and pay every fucking month money for nothing.. I hope me and my friend we stop this shit provider of internet asap!

*Admin: afgesplitst en een eigen topic voor vraag aangemaakt

Hi Alex, welcome to the forum! I understand you're feeling quite frustrated because of this. It is very annoying to have such low speeds and to not have clear answers about what is going on and going to happen. I'll happily look into this for you. That being said, while it's perfectly ok to express your displeasure, please refrain from cussing.

Please fill in your forum profile with postal code (postcode) en house number (huisnummer). Then I will pull you up in our systems here and we'll get to the bottom of this 🙂