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Half a year ago I came back from work to find out that a glasvezel mechanic had pulled out the spikes in my 1’8 meter high garden fence (therefore splinting and damaging it), jumped the fence, digged a huge hole in the garden, spread all the sand under the grass all over the garden damaging the grass, pulled out the orange cables wherever this person pleased, jumped over the fence again and left. (See photo) 

This all was done while I was not at home, without any appointment or notice and/or without leaving a message behind. According to the police, THIS IS ILEGAL and punishable. 
Plus, not the way KPN is supposed to work according by their own letters and information to their clients (see photo) 

I have been for half a year now trying to get KPN to acknowledge responsibility and fix the damaged that’s been done.
I’ve already called and emailed with KPN, KPN network, Klachten Van Gelder Telecom,  client support from KPN, etc. and I’ve been given all the possible excuses and re-directions.



Hello @JuliaBambi ,
As much as you are in your right, you are not going to resolve this overnight. KPN and van Gelder Telecom will continue to point at each other and deny responsibility. The police are also not going to do anything about this (understaffing, and bicycle light checks are more important).
The least I expected was an apology from KPN anyway.

Van Gelder wants to make metres, so it lets its employees build everywhere (even where not quite allowed), in order to achieve its goals. Collateral damage is usually just not bad enough, so they keep getting away with it. And if you do want to recover damages you will have to go to enormous lengths, so it doesn't actually pay off. They anticipate that.
Pretty unfortunate, but that's how it works these days.

Wow, what a damage! Sand across your sparse grass.

There are bigger issues in life to worry about I guess.