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Respectfully, I would like to apologize for the post written into English.

From yesterday, over 2:00 o’clock, I have faced this problem that I can not access yahoo website, it tells,” This site can’t be reached”, its screenshot is attached here,  I contact the Yahoo’s Facebook explaining the problem and all the used instructions, they told me the problem comes from the internet provider; I referred to Middelburg KPN, also they could not access the yahoo website and then they communicated to their center, after they told me by my second email (Gmail)  that I must wait over 5 days to consider the problem, meanwhile I am working with the Yahoo and I can not wait by 5 days, I saw also other two persons

that had the same problem, I have hearing problem in phone call. for this reason I referred to the Middelburg KPN to ask them help. fortunately they were so kind people, I hope the problem is fixed, before   I get lost.

Fortunately the problem was fixed

Fortunately the problem was fixed.