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I sent mail to to cancel my subscription. I’ve added all the details.

But because the mail doesn’t include the reason why I want to cancel it ( I already declared it by call ) and they tried to call me from the number I didn’t register in mykpn, KPN said they need to start 30 notice days from today.

This is literally fraud. You can’t call me from the number I didn’t register to your system and you can’t wait for any information from me that you didn’t want in your automatic mail. 

What should I do just to get rid of my subscription? This was my last experience with KPN and all I want is just stop.

Hi @Harun Karahan, welcome. 

Easiest and fastest way to cancel your subcription is to call 0800-0402. 

If you want to cancel you have a month notice. So if you cancel your subcription today it wll be determined 2 december. 

I understand you already had contact. Did you receive an e-mail with a determination date?

You can file a complaint, and if not satisfied with the answer you can contact

Asking you to provide a reason for stopping the subscription cannot be mandatory (you also do not to give a reason when you start the subscription).

The law clearly defines that a subscriptions should be stopped within maximum of 30 days starting the day you first noticed the telecom provider, providing your 12 months subscription has ended.

Van :

Wanneer kan ik mijn abonnement opzeggen?

Is de vaste looptijd van uw abonnement voorbij? Dan kunt u het abonnement kosteloos opzeggen wanneer u wilt. U hebt een opzegtermijn van maximaal 1 maand. Die maand gaat meteen in op de dag dat u uw abonnement opzegt.