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Yesterday engineer came to my home to complete the connection of Experia Box V10 with Y cable. There is a KPN connection point in my house, but with only 1 line connection. Engineer checked the second line and told that it’s not connected anywhere. He tried to find the second line in the KPN street box and in the KPN hallway box but not found anything. He told that cable goes from my home directly to the street box and most probably the second line damaged.

To get the full speed both DSL lines should be connected. Right now i could only reach the speed 37/4 Mbps with a contract of 50/5 Mbps. 

Engineer told that from that point I’m responsible to install a cable between the apartment and KPN hallway box. Is that correct that customers should be responsible for that? From my perspective I’m ordering the Internet access to the apartment and it’s provider responsibility to actually deliver the service to the apartment. 



Hi @apostal, welcome to our forum!
Basically, you have an IS/RA Point. Everything on your end is your responsibility and everything on our end is our responsibility.

Usually these points are inside of your  house in the meter-cupboard/wiring closet. In some appartment buildings these are outside of the appartments which can lead to situations like this.

Hi Thomas, 

In this case it looks like IS/RA in my house have to be upgraded to serve both DSL lines, the one I have in home is for one line only. Is it mine responsibility? 

I'm pretty sure that's our job, but is the IS/RA point in your hallway box or in your house? You could post a picture here if that helps explaining

@Thomas , thank you for a reply.

Not sure that I fully understand the terminology. IS/RA point is inside my house, it has only one port for RJ11. There is one more unsused pair(red arrow), technician tried to check it during the visit and found that there is cut or it’s not connected anywhere. According to what he said cable from this IS/RA point goes directly to KPN street box. And there is also one more KPN connection point at building entrance, I found the example of it in the internet, the one near entrance is more or less the same. But it’s about 15-20 meters and 2 staircases from that connection point to my home.     


Ahh I see, that's the IS/RApoint in your house, I'll take a look from our end. Could you update your profile and let me know?

@Thomas thank you, I've added address and client numbers to profile. 

Thanks @apostal, I can see that there's no signal on the second pair while there should be. I made a ticket for our backoffice. My colleagues will contact you about this. Can you let me know how it all pans out?

Thank you @Thomas ! I’ll wait for a call! 

Hello @Thomas , engineer appointment has been scheduled for today. He called and told me that the second line is broken and that KPN is no longer fixing such problems. Is this correct? If yes then it looks like I won’t be able to use 100% of the speed I’m paying for. 

Hi @apostal, I just read the ticket and I'm afraid I have to confirm what the engineer said. 
Apparently we can't get this cable repaired anymore. 

The speed of these subscriptions are "up to 50Mbit/s" so I'm afraid that won't change either as there's no special subscriptions for lower speeds